I think that the "right" way was explained in the other answers. But I'll write now from my own experience.
There are few things that you must take into account when deciding an architecture.
a. Client
Do you have enough time to make everything the "right" way (great architecture, tests, etc...)? Sometimes the client wants to see results quickly. We can complain that the time is short, and the product will not be at the highest standards, but in the end that is our problem. In this situations we explain to the client what he will get, and write the spaghetti code that we all know.
What are the clients requirements (in terms of reliability, scalability, expand-ability, speed)? I think this is self explanatory. Sometimes the client dictates the "right" way. We can offer the client the "right" way, but in the end the client will decide (depending of time and money of course).
Who will support the system after you have developed it? I would like to support a nice and decoupled code. So when I write the code I'm giving my best to make it "right". Sometime I might couple the view and the controller or couple some service and be happy with it. Knowing my own code it is easy to support it.
b. Project
What is the size of the project? Some projects are so small that any complicated architecture is not warranted.
Is there a chance for the software to rapidly grow in the future (more features)? This is one of the biggest challenges. But if the software grows it means that it is a success. You would probably have more resources to work with. It is relatively easy to refactor your code and make it "right".
Will the project potentially have scalability issues? There are projects which are never gonna grow, in terms of users and data. I've seen projects which are trying to look serious by using an Oracle RAC database setup, when a simple embedded database would work just fine!
Did you start the project or you are taking it over from other developers? This is a combination of the questions of who will support the software and will the software grow. You might get a spaghetti code from other developers. Will you have the time and resources to make it "right"?
c. Development team
Is the team experienced enough to make the decoupling right? When I was less experienced, I have tried to write the "right" code. And I have failed. The point is to really know your development team, their skills and knowledge. Don't underestimate this issue. When working with less experienced developers, I usually make some sacrifices to the architecture. The sacrifice that will be made is the best educated guess that I have. There are some points from the architecture that you can sacrifice and there are some that you cannot. Usually one or more sacrifices you have made earlier will came back and bite you.
Are the developers experienced writing automatic tests? It is not enough to have automatic tests. They should be complete (as much possible) and done right. If your tests are weak, than you better not have them at all. You wouldn't want to lean on a wall full of holes.
I know that we all want to be professionals. And as professionals we must take all things into account. We cannot waste our time and energy on doing things the "right" way. Sometimes we must look at other factors (reality) and make our choice. And the most important thing is to live with it.