Happening with VSCode version 1.52.1, while working with JavaScript, React, and Node.
I've been working on a React project in VSCode for a couple months now. At some point, in those two months, I started noticing a significant decrease in the speed at which VSCode handles file operations. Like, slow enough that I was creating a single css file, and I went to fill up my water bottle at the cooler and I came back and it still needed about another minute to finish. After browsing some of the VSCode "Issues" on GitHub, I noticed that someone mentioned it might be an issue with the Prettier formatter, but I'm still having the same issue when saving, as well as on file creation and deletion.
*Note: this is my first question, and I need more reputation to directly embed the images
A VSCode prompt box displaying the message "Running 'File Delete' participants"
A VSCode prompt box displaying the message "Running 'File Create' participants"
Things I've tried: Disabling "format on save", disabling all extensions, closing and re-opening VSCode, restarting my laptop
Running 'File Delete' participants...
modal was displayed. That could perhaps explain the latency you are experiencing. – Leshia/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ VS\ Code/bin/code
, this should probably be done very high up the chain, like /etc/profiles.d and restart the VM. – Dyna