Previous answers are all basically variants of "you can't" or "you shouldn't". While I agree with the latter sentiment, the question is technically still unanswered.
Furthermore, there are legitimate reasons why someone might want to do something along the lines of what the actual question is asking. One thing I run into sometimes is lengthy math equations where using long names makes the equation unrecognizable. Here are a couple ways of how you could do this in a canned example:
import numpy as np
class MyFunkyGaussian() :
def __init__(self, A, x0, w, s, y0) :
self.A = float(A)
self.x0 = x0
self.w = w
self.y0 = y0
self.s = s
# The correct way, but subjectively less readable to some (like me)
def calc1(self, x) :
return (self.A/(self.w*np.sqrt(np.pi))/(1+self.s*self.w**2/2)
* np.exp( -(x-self.x0)**2/self.w**2)
* (1+self.s*(x-self.x0)**2) + self.y0 )
# The correct way if you really don't want to use 'self' in the calculations
def calc2(self, x) :
# Explicity copy variables
A, x0, w, y0, s = self.A, self.x0, self.w, self.y0, self.s
sqrt, exp, pi = np.sqrt, np.exp, np.pi
return ( A/( w*sqrt(pi) )/(1+s*w**2/2)
* exp( -(x-x0)**2/w**2 )
* (1+s*(x-x0)**2) + y0 )
# Probably a bad idea...
def calc3(self, x) :
# Automatically copy every class vairable
for k in self.__dict__ : exec(k+'= self.'+k)
sqrt, exp, pi = np.sqrt, np.exp, np.pi
return ( A/( w*sqrt(pi) )/(1+s*w**2/2)
* exp( -(x-x0)**2/w**2 )
* (1+s*(x-x0)**2) + y0 )
g = MyFunkyGaussian(2.0, 1.5, 3.0, 5.0, 0.0)
The third example - i.e. using for k in self.__dict__ : exec(k+'= self.'+k)
is basically what the question is actually asking for, but let me be clear that I don't think it is generally a good idea.
For more info, and ways to iterate through class variables, or even functions, see answers and discussion to this question. For a discussion of other ways to dynamically name variables, and why this is usually not a good idea see this blog post.
UPDATE: There appears to be no way to dynamically update or change locals in a function in Python3, so calc3 and similar variants are no longer possible. The only python3 compatible solution I can think of now is to use globals
def calc4(self, x) :
# Automatically copy every class variable in globals
sqrt, exp, pi = np.sqrt, np.exp, np.pi
return ( A/( w*sqrt(pi) )/(1+s*w**2/2)
* exp( -(x-x0)**2/w**2 )
* (1+s*(x-x0)**2) + y0 )
Which, again, would be a terrible practice in general.
prefix for all member names observed by some C++/Java programmers? The use ofself.
helps readability in a similar way. Also, you should read – Acciaccaturam_
is used for non-public non-static data members only (at least in C++). – NinonmVariableName
, for member variables, when coding in Java. I think @Anurag's comment sums it up pretty well, for what a java dev should do when learning python. – Counterpressure