I am a new bee here and this question is old enough. However, here is my Java code for determining if any pair of sides of a polygon defined by an ordered set of points crossover. You can remove the print statements used for debugging. I have also not included the code for returning the first point of crossover found. I am using the Line2D class from the standard java library.
* Checks if any two sides of a polygon cross-over.
* If so, returns that Point.
* The polygon is determined by the ordered sequence
* of Points P
* If not returns null
* @param V vertices of the Polygon
* @return
public static Point verify(Point[] V)
if (V == null)
return null;
int len = V.length;
* No cross-over if len < 4
if (len < 4)
return null;
System.out.printf("\nChecking %d Sided Polygon\n\n", len);
for (int i = 0; i < len-1; i++)
for (int j = i+2; j < len; j++)
* Eliminate combinations already checked
* or not valid
if ((i == 0) && ( j == (len-1)))
System.out.printf("\nChecking if Side %3d cuts Side %3d: ", i, j);
boolean cut = Line2D.linesIntersect(
V[(j+1) % len].X,
V[(j+1) % len].Y);
if (cut)
System.out.printf("\nSide %3d CUTS Side %3d. Returning\n", i, j);
return ( ... some point or the point of intersection....)
return null;