Since I find myself rather regularly looking for this exact problem (in the hopes I missed something before...), I finally decided to take the time and write up a small gist to export MySQL queries as CSV files, kinda like but based on PHP and with a couple of more options. This was important for my use case, because I need to be able to fine-tune the CSV parameters (delimiter, NULL value handling) AND the files need to be actually valid CSV, so that a simple CONCAT
is not sufficient since it doesn't generate valid CSV files if the values contain line breaks or the CSV delimiter.
Caution: Requires PHP to be installed on the server!
(Can be checked via php -v
"Install" mysql2csv
wget -O mysql2csv -q && (sha256sum mysql2csv | cmp <(echo "b109535b29733bd596ecc8608e008732e617e97906f119c66dd7cf6ab2865a65 mysql2csv") || (echo "ERROR comparing hash, Found:" ;sha256sum mysql2csv) ) && chmod +x mysql2csv
(download content of the gist, check checksum and make it executable)
Usage example
./mysql2csv --file="/tmp/result.csv" --query='SELECT 1 as foo, 2 as bar;' --user="username" --password="password"
generates file /tmp/result.csv
with content
help for reference
./mysql2csv --help
Helper command to export data for an arbitrary mysql query into a CSV file.
Especially helpful if the use of "SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE" is not an option, e.g.
because the mysql server is running on a remote host.
Usage example:
./mysql2csv --file="/tmp/result.csv" --query='SELECT 1 as foo, 2 as bar;' --user="username" --password="password"
cat /tmp/result.csv
-q,--query=name [required]
The query string to extract data from mysql.
(Default: The hostname of the mysql server.
The default database.
(Default: 3306) The port of the mysql server.
The username to connect to the mysql server.
The password to connect to the mysql server.
(Default: php://stdout) The filename to export the query result to ('php://stdout' prints to console).
(Default: ,) The CSV delimiter.
(Default: ") The CSV enclosure (that is used to enclose values that contain special characters).
(Default: \) The CSV escape character.
(Default: \N) The value that is used to replace NULL values in the CSV file.
(Default: 1) If '0', the resulting CSV file does not contain headers.
Prints the help for this command.