If you are only copying and pasting within your application, you can map the cut/copy operation of your treeview to a method that just clones your selected node. Ie:
TreeNode selectedNode;
TreeNode copiedNode;
selectedNode = yourTreeview.SelectedNode;
if (selectedNode != null)
copiedNode = selectedNode.Clone;
// Then you can do whatever you like with copiedNode elsewhere in your app.
If you are wanting to be able to paste to other applications, then you'll have to use the clipboard. You can get a bit fancier than just plain text by learning more about the IDataObject interface. I can't remember the source but here's something I had in my own notes:
When implemented in a class, the
IDataObject methods allow the user to
store data in multiple formats in an
instance of the class. Storing data in
more than one format increases the
chance that a target application,
whose format requirements you might
not know, can retrieve the stored
data. To store data in an instance of
IDataObject, call the SetData method
and specify the data format in the
format parameter. Set the autoConvert
parameter to false if you do not want
stored data to be converted to another
format when it is retrieved. Invoke
SetData multiple times on one instance
of IDataObject to store data in more
than one format.
Once you've populated an object that implements IDataObject (e.g. something called yourTreeNodeDataObject), then you can call: