I'm relatively new to Rails. I would like to add an association to a model that uses the polymorphic association, but returns only models of a particular type, e.g.:
class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
# The true polymorphic association
belongs_to :subject, polymorphic: true
# Same as subject but where subject_type is 'Volunteer'
belongs_to :volunteer, source_association: :subject
# Same as subject but where subject_type is 'Participation'
belongs_to :participation, source_association: :subject
I've tried a vast array of combinations from reading about the associations on ApiDock but nothing seems to do exactly what I want. Here's the best I have so far:
class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :subject, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :volunteer, class_name: "Volunteer", foreign_key: :subject_id, conditions: {notes: {subject_type: "Volunteer"}}
belongs_to :participation, class_name: "Participation", foreign_key: :subject_id, conditions: {notes: {subject_type: "Participation"}}
And I want it to pass this test:
describe Note do
context 'on volunteer' do
let!(:volunteer) { create(:volunteer) }
let!(:note) { create(:note, subject: volunteer) }
let!(:unrelated_note) { create(:note) }
it 'narrows note scope to volunteer' do
scoped = Note.scoped
scoped = scoped.joins(:volunteer).where(volunteers: {id: volunteer.id})
expect(scoped.count).to be 1
expect(scoped.first.id).to eq note.id
it 'allows access to the volunteer' do
expect(note.volunteer).to eq volunteer
it 'does not return participation' do
expect(note.participation).to be_nil
The first test passes, but you can't call the relation directly:
1) Note on volunteer allows access to the volunteer
Failure/Error: expect(note.reload.volunteer).to eq volunteer
PG::Error: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "notes"
LINE 1: ...."deleted" = 'f' AND "volunteers"."id" = 7798 AND "notes"."s...
: SELECT "volunteers".* FROM "volunteers" WHERE "volunteers"."deleted" = 'f' AND "volunteers"."id" = 7798 AND "notes"."subject_type" = 'Volunteer' LIMIT 1
# ./spec/models/note_spec.rb:10:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
The reason I want to do it this way is because I'm constructing a scope based on parsing a query string including joining to various models/etc; the code used to construct the scope is considerably more complex than that above - it uses collection.reflections
, etc. My current solution works for this, but it offends me I can't call the relations directly from an instance of Note.
I could solve it by splitting it into two issues: using scopes directly
scope :scoped_by_volunteer_id, lambda { |volunteer_id| where({subject_type: 'Volunteer', subject_id: volunteer_id}) }
scope :scoped_by_participation_id, lambda { |participation_id| where({subject_type: 'Participation', subject_id: participation_id}) }
and then just using a getter for note.volunteer
that just returns note.subject
if it has the right subject_type
(nil otherwise) but I figured in Rails there must be a better way?
{notes: {subject_type: "Volunteer"}}
clause has thenotes:
because otherwise it would query on non-existantvolunteers.subject_type
column, this makes it query onnotes.subjects_type
. I've settled on equivalent{'notes.subject_type': "Volunteer"}
syntax; it also reminds me thenotes
should be a plural table name, not the (sometimes singular) association name... – Dangelo