I was searching for information on how to use this control and found the official documentation rather minimal. I did however get it to work after much trial and error, so I thought I would share.
In the end I used the CKEditor 5 simple upload adapter with Angular 8 and it works just fine. You do however need to create a custom build of ckeditor that has the upload adapter installed. It's pretty easy to do. I'am assuming you already have the ckeditor Angular files.
First, create a new angular project directory and call it "cKEditor-Custom-Build" or something. Don't run ng new (Angular CLI), but instead use npm to get the base build of the editor you want to show. For this example I am using the classic editor.
Go to to github and clone or download the project into your new shiny build directory.
if you are using VS code open the dir and open a terminal box and get the dependencies:
npm i
Right you now have the base build and you need to install an upload adapter. ckEditor has one. install this package to get the simple upload adapter:
npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload
..once this is done open the ckeditor.js file in the project. Its in the "src" directory. If you have been playing around with ckEditor then its contents should look familiar.
Import the new js file into the ckeditor.js file. There will be a whole load of imports in this file and drop it all the bottom.
import SimpleUploadAdapter from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload/src/adapters/simpleuploadadapter';
...Next add the import to your array of plugins. As I am using the classic editor my section is called "ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins", add it next to TableToolbar. That's it all configured. No additional toolbars or config needed at this end.
Build your ckeditor-custom-build.
npm run build
The magic of Angular will do its thing and a "build" directory is created in your project. That it for the custom build.
Now open your angular project and create a directory for your new build to live. I actually put mine in the assets sub-directory, but it can be anywhere you can reference it.
Create a directory within "src/assets" called something like "ngClassicEditor", it doesn't matter what you call it, and copy the build file into it (that you just created). Next in the component that you want to use the editor, add an import statement with the path to the new build.
import * as Editor from '@app/../src/assets/ngClassicEditor/build/ckeditor.js';
nearly done...
The final bit is to configure the Upload adapter with the API endpoint that the adapter should use to upload images. Create a config in your component class.
public editorConfig = {
simpleUpload: {
// The URL that the images are uploaded to.
uploadUrl: environment.postSaveRteImage,
// Headers sent along with the XMLHttpRequest to the upload server.
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer <JSON Web Token>'
I'm actually using the environment transform here as the URI changes from dev to production but you could hardcode a straight URL in there if you want.
The final part is to configure your editor in the template to use your new configuration values. Open you component.html and modify your ckeditor editor tag.
<ckeditor [editor]="Editor" id="editor" [config]="editorConfig">
That's it. You are done. test, test test.
My API is a .Net API and I am happy to share if you need some sample code. I really hope this helps.