I would like to be able to set "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor" via code. A PowerShell script would be ideal. WMI seems the way forward but I have zero knowledge in WMI.
Windows 7, 8 and 10 are supposed to come with a small program that does exactly this: displayswitch.exe. This page lists the following parameters:
displayswitch.exe /internal Disconnect projector (same as "Show only on 1" from the Display Properties dialog)
displayswitch.exe /clone Duplicate screen
displayswitch.exe /extend Extend screen
displayswitch.exe /external Projector only (disconnect local) (same as "Show only on 2" from the Display Properties dialog)
For a one-click solution to the problem posed, simply create a *.bat-file containing the single line
call displayswitch.exe /extend
and save it to your desktop.
In Windows 11 22H2, displayswitch.exe does not seem to take parameters. Please see this link for more information. The suggested solution is to use a copy of the Windows-10-version of displayswitch.exe instead of the inbuilt version.
powershell -Command "displayswitch.exe /clone"
Knighthead .\DisplaySwitch.exe /extend
, and .\DisplaySwitch.exe /clone
Oscan I've made a cleaner version that does not use sendkeys.
public class DisplayHelper
static extern DISP_CHANGE ChangeDisplaySettings(uint lpDevMode, uint dwflags);
static extern bool EnumDisplayDevices(string lpDevice, uint iDevNum, ref DISPLAY_DEVICE lpDisplayDevice, uint dwFlags);
enum DISP_CHANGE : int
Successful = 0,
Restart = 1,
Failed = -1,
BadMode = -2,
NotUpdated = -3,
BadFlags = -4,
BadParam = -5,
BadDualView = -1
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public int cb;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public string DeviceName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
public string DeviceString;
public DisplayDeviceStateFlags StateFlags;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
public string DeviceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
public string DeviceKey;
enum DisplayDeviceStateFlags : int
/// <summary>The device is part of the desktop.</summary>
AttachedToDesktop = 0x1,
MultiDriver = 0x2,
/// <summary>The device is part of the desktop.</summary>
PrimaryDevice = 0x4,
/// <summary>Represents a pseudo device used to mirror application drawing for remoting or other purposes.</summary>
MirroringDriver = 0x8,
/// <summary>The device is VGA compatible.</summary>
VGACompatible = 0x16,
/// <summary>The device is removable; it cannot be the primary display.</summary>
Removable = 0x20,
/// <summary>The device has more display modes than its output devices support.</summary>
ModesPruned = 0x8000000,
Remote = 0x4000000,
Disconnect = 0x2000000
public static void EnableSecondaryDisplay()
var secondaryIndex = 1;
var secondary = GetDisplayDevice(secondaryIndex);
var id = secondary.DeviceKey.Split('\\')[7];
using (var key = Registry.CurrentConfig.OpenSubKey(string.Format(@"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\VIDEO\{0}", id), true))
using (var subkey = key.CreateSubKey("000" + secondaryIndex))
subkey.SetValue("Attach.ToDesktop", 1, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
subkey.SetValue("Attach.RelativeX", 1024, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
subkey.SetValue("DefaultSettings.XResolution", 1024, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
subkey.SetValue("DefaultSettings.YResolution", 768, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
subkey.SetValue("DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel", 32, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
ChangeDisplaySettings(0, 0);
private static DISPLAY_DEVICE GetDisplayDevice(int id)
var d = new DISPLAY_DEVICE();
d.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(d);
if (!EnumDisplayDevices(null, (uint)id, ref d, 0))
throw new NotSupportedException("Could not find a monitor with id " + id);
return d;
I have only tested this on a newly installed computer.
, not 0x16
Surah This sort of operation is not directly accessible from PowerShell in the sense that there is not a .NET interface to these settings. A lot of core OS stuff is unmanaged code which can only be manipulated via win32 API calls. While you may be on to something with WMI, I searched for a while and wasn't able to find a satisfactory WMI class which is able to manipulate this setting.
The next step would be to modify the registry directly. It looks like the setting lies under HKLM:\system\CurrentControlSet\control\video--somewhere. I believe it's the one called "Attach.ToDesktop".
This is a partial solution, so I'm marking as community wiki answer.
I'm not certain this is the right registry key, and I don't have a system on which I can test multi-monitor at the moment. The purpose of this is to determine which is the primary controller, and then it outputs the value of the Attach.ToDesktop key.
param (
$ControllerName = "$( throw 'ControllerName is a mandatory parameter' )"
$regPath = "HKLM:\system\CurrentControlSet\control\video"
$devDescStr = "Device Description"
Set-Location -path $regPath
$regSubKey = Get-ChildItem -recurse -include 0000
$devDescProperty = $regSubKey | Get-ItemProperty -name $devDescStr -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$priDescProperty = $devDescProperty | Where-Object { $_.$devDescStr -match $ControllerName }
Set-Location -path $priDescProperty.PSPath
Get-ItemProperty -path . -name "Attach.ToDesktop"
Here's another solution, in C# (via how to set primary monitor for Windows-7, in C#):
public enum SetDisplayConfigFlags : uint
SDC_TOPOLOGY_CLONE = 0x00000002,
SDC_APPLY = 0x00000080
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern long SetDisplayConfig(uint numPathArrayElements,
IntPtr pathArray, uint numModeArrayElements, IntPtr modeArray, SetDisplayConfigFlags flags);
static void CloneDisplays() {
SetDisplayConfig(0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, IntPtr.Zero, SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_TOPOLOGY_CLONE | SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_APPLY);
static void ExtendDisplays() {
SetDisplayConfig(0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, IntPtr.Zero, SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_TOPOLOGY_EXTEND | SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_APPLY);
static void ExternalDisplay() {
SetDisplayConfig(0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, IntPtr.Zero, SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_TOPOLOGY_EXTERNAL | SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_APPLY);
static void InternalDisplay() {
SetDisplayConfig(0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, IntPtr.Zero, SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_TOPOLOGY_INTERNAL | SetDisplayConfigFlags.SDC_APPLY);
One first possible solution is... through the GUI (but without user interaction)
VB script (also described here but in Autoit language):
Option Explicit
Dim WshShell, Dummy, Splash
On Error Resume Next
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Call DoIt
Sub DoIt
wshshell.Run("%systemroot%\system32\control.exe desk.cpl,@0,3")
' Give Display Properties time to load
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.SendKeys "2"
WScript.Sleep 10
WshShell.SendKeys "%E"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "%A"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
End Sub 'DoIt
In Autoit, that would be:
; — toggle-screen.au3
; exec cpanel app `display settings`
Run(”C:\WINDOWS\system32\control.exe desk.cpl,@0,3?”)
; wait for window to be active
WinWaitActive(”Display Settings”)
; select 2nd display
; work back to the ‘extend desktop’ control
; toggle ‘extend desktop’ control and apply
; wait for window to be active
WinWaitActive(”Display Settings”)
; accept
; — E.O.F.
2 lines in autohotkey
2nd display on:
RunWait C:\Windows\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /extend
2nd display off:
RunWait C:\Windows\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /internal
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
Any1stKeyUWantToTurnOn::RunWait C:\Windows\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /extend
Any2stKeyUWantToTurnOff::RunWait C:\Windows\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /internal
You can check and try out my tool on github / BNK3R-Boy / DisplaySwitch. I published it right now.
Here is my AutoIt-Script for switching monitors as my ATI graphics card doesn't allow me to have 3 monitors active at the same time. I have 2 monitors attached and a TV. This script is doing what VonC's script does but in a more effective and faster way.
Run("C:\WINDOWS\system32\control.exe desk.cpl", "C:\Windows\system32\")
WinWait("Screen Resolution")
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox1", "SetCurrentSelection", "SAMSUNG")
if (ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox3", "GetCurrentSelection", "") = "Disconnect this display") Then
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox1", "SetCurrentSelection", "2")
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox3", "SetCurrentSelection", "3")
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox1", "SetCurrentSelection", "0")
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox3", "SetCurrentSelection", "1")
ControlClick("Screen Resolution", "", "Button4")
WinWait("Display Settings")
ControlClick("Display Settings", "", "Button1")
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox3", "SetCurrentSelection", "3")
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox1", "SetCurrentSelection", "2")
ControlCommand("Screen Resolution", "", "ComboBox3", "SetCurrentSelection", "1")
ControlClick("Screen Resolution", "", "Button4")
WinWait("Display Settings")
ControlClick("Display Settings", "", "Button1")
Just replace "SAMSUNG" with your third monitors/tvs name and you're all set! As you surely know you can convert it to an executable which runs on any machine even without AutoIt installed.
windows key + P button will do the same thing
I had to made some small modifications to get VonC's script to work on my machine. It is now a little more generic.
; — toggle-screen2.au3
#include <WinAPI.au3>
; exec cpanel app `display settings`
Run(_WinAPI_ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") & "\system32\control.exe desk.cpl,@0,3?")
; wait for window to be active
WinWaitActive("Display Properties")
; select 2nd display
; toggle the ‘extend desktop’ checkbox
; close the dialog
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. – Glandule