I have a Spring Boot app with Spring Data JPA (hibernate backend) repository classes. I've added a couple custom finder methods, some with specific @Query
annotation to tell it how to get the data. I have already set up EhCache for the hibernate 2nd level cache, but so far, the only way I can get these results caching is to enable the hibernate query cache. I'd prefer to define a specific cache and store the actual domain objects there just as if it were a normal finder. Below is my repo code:
public interface PromotionServiceXrefRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<PromotionServiceXref, Integer> {
@Query("SELECT psx FROM Customer c " +
"JOIN c.customerProductPromotions cpp " +
"JOIN cpp.productPromotion pp " +
"JOIN pp.promotion p JOIN p.promotionServiceXrefs psx " +
"WHERE c.customerId = ?1")
@QueryHints(@QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.cacheable", value = "true"))
@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY, region = "promotionServiceXrefByCustomerId")
Set<PromotionServiceXref> findByCustomerId(int customerId);
And here is the "promotionServiceXrefByCustomerId" cache I defined, that is NOT being used:
<cache name="promotionServiceXrefByCustomerId" overflowToDisk="true" diskPersistent="true"
maxEntriesLocalHeap="3000000" eternal="true" diskSpoolBufferSizeMB="20" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU"
transactionalMode="off" statistics="true">
What am I doing wrong? If I enable StandardQueryCache
then this data gets cached there and hibernate does not execute a query. But when I disable the query caching, this does not get cached. What am I doing wrong here? PLEASE HELP!
annotation do anything for a non entity ? That annotation is meant to be on entities not on arbitrary classes or interfaces. – KineticfindAll
is caching unless you have caching annotations on your entities (which is where they should go). If you are trying (or expecting) a non-cacheable entity to be cached it won't work, only the query cache will work in that case. – Kinetic