Change style of pseudo elements in angular2
Asked Answered



Is it possible to change style of pseudo elements using [style] or [ngStyle] in angular2?

in order to get a blur effect on a div acts like an overlay, and I should set up background-image on pseudo element.

I tried something like

<div class="blur" [style.before.backgroundImage]="'url('+ featuredImage[i] + ' )'">

it didn't work. I also tried this

<div class="blur" [ngStyle]="'{:before{ background-image:url('+ featuredImage[i] + ' )}}'">
Diaphoresis answered 8/2, 2016 at 21:55 Comment(1)

No it's not possible. It is actually not an Angular issue: pseudo elements are not part of DOM tree, and because of that do not expose any DOM API that can be used to interact with them.

Usual approach if you want to deal with pseudo elements programmatically is indirect: you add/remove/change class and in CSS make this class affect corresponding pseudo-element. So in your case you could have one more class that changes necessary style:

.blur:before {/* some styles */}
.blur.background:before {/* set background */}

Now all you need to do is to toggle .background class on the element when you need before pseudo-element to get a background. You can use NgClass, for example.

Mckenziemckeon answered 8/2, 2016 at 22:38 Comment(2)
I need to set the background-image dynamically for a list of posts, so it won't work this way, instead I will set div.blurbackground and inherit it in :before, thank you for the answer.Diaphoresis
You can't set style of pseudo-element with javascript. So in this case you can go with real element and set background of it instead. Just pretend it's pseudo.Mckenziemckeon

You can achieve what you need with CSS variables.

In your style sheet you can set the background image like this:

.featured-image:after      { content: '';
                             background-image: var(--featured-image); 

After that you can programmatically set this variable on the same element or higher up in the DOM tree:

<div class="featured-image" [ngStyle]="{'--featured-image': featuredImage}">

More about CSS variables here: Note that the browser support is not complete yet.

Also note that you will need to sanitize the url/style using sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(path) or sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('--featured-image:url(' + path + ')')):

Azarria answered 18/6, 2016 at 22:20 Comment(5)
I get the image source from http response, so I can't set the background from my stylesheetDiaphoresis
[]="sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('--custom:' + value)" helped meAorist
there is a nice package called:, which is very handy when attempting this trickDiscoid
@sqwk, you are a life saver! it works on Chrome browser! But this has to be followed: #49904052 <br> in conjuction to you answer.Durtschi
for multiple variables [style.--myFirstVar]="'25%'" [style.--mySecondVar]="'35px'"Mariselamarish

No it's not possible. It is actually not an Angular issue: pseudo elements are not part of DOM tree, and because of that do not expose any DOM API that can be used to interact with them.

Usual approach if you want to deal with pseudo elements programmatically is indirect: you add/remove/change class and in CSS make this class affect corresponding pseudo-element. So in your case you could have one more class that changes necessary style:

.blur:before {/* some styles */}
.blur.background:before {/* set background */}

Now all you need to do is to toggle .background class on the element when you need before pseudo-element to get a background. You can use NgClass, for example.

Mckenziemckeon answered 8/2, 2016 at 22:38 Comment(2)
I need to set the background-image dynamically for a list of posts, so it won't work this way, instead I will set div.blurbackground and inherit it in :before, thank you for the answer.Diaphoresis
You can't set style of pseudo-element with javascript. So in this case you can go with real element and set background of it instead. Just pretend it's pseudo.Mckenziemckeon

if you want to add other properties I did it like this:

<div class="progress" [style]= "'--porcentaje-width:' + widthh " ></div>

and the css:

.progress::after {
  content: '';
  width: var(--porcentaje-width);

this worked for me :)

Paraclete answered 19/9, 2020 at 0:23 Comment(0)

With current versions of Angular 2+ you can use CSS Variables to achieve this as well as sanitizing your input.

In your style sheet define the rule using CSS Variables. A fallback can also be defined as CSS Variables aren't supported by IE.

.featured-image:after { 
    content: '';
    // Fallback for IE
    background-image: url('fallback-img.png');
    background-image: var(--featured-image); 

Rather than bypassing security trust style, you can also sanitize your input with a reusable pipe:

import {Pipe, PipeTransform, SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {DomSanitizer, SafeStyle} from '@angular/platform-browser';
    name: 'safeStyle',
export class SafeStylePipe implements PipeTransform {
    constructor(protected sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}
    transform(value: string): SafeStyle {
        if (!value) return '';

        return this.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.STYLE, value);

In your template:

<div class="featured-image" [style.--featured-image]="featuredImage[i] | safeStyle"></div>
Ennui answered 11/6, 2020 at 7:45 Comment(0)

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