Let's say I have a list of student cities and the size of it could be 100 or 1000, and I want to filter out all duplicates cities.
I want a generic solution that I can use to remove all duplicate strings from any slice.
I am new to Go Language, So I tried to do it by looping and checking if the element exists using another loop function.
Students' Cities List (Data):
studentsCities := []string{"Mumbai", "Delhi", "Ahmedabad", "Mumbai", "Bangalore", "Delhi", "Kolkata", "Pune"}
Functions that I created, and it's doing the job:
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func removeDuplicates(strList []string) []string {
list := []string{}
for _, item := range strList {
if contains(list, item) == false {
list = append(list, item)
return list
My solution test
func main() {
studentsCities := []string{"Mumbai", "Delhi", "Ahmedabad", "Mumbai", "Bangalore", "Delhi", "Kolkata", "Pune"}
uniqueStudentsCities := removeDuplicates(studentsCities)
fmt.Println(uniqueStudentsCities) // Expected output [Mumbai Delhi Ahmedabad Bangalore Kolkata Pune]
I believe that the above solution that I tried is not an optimum solution. Therefore, I need help from you guys to suggest the fastest way to remove duplicates from the slice?
I checked StackOverflow, this question is not being asked yet, so I didn't get any solution.