I found a way to use a future from concurrent.futures library.
This is a gui program that will allow you to scroll and hit the wait button when you are still waiting for STDIN. Whenever the program sees it has a line of information from STDIN then it will print it in the multi-line box. But it does not lock the script lock out the user from the gui interface why it is checking stdin for a new line. (Please note I tested this in python 3.10.5)
import concurrent.futures
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import sys
def readSTDIN():
return sys.stdin.readline()
window = sg.Window("Test Window", [[sg.Multiline('', key="MULTI", size=(40, 10))],
[sg.B("QUIT", bind_return_key=True, focus=True),
sg.B("Wait")]], finalize=True, keep_on_top=True)
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
futureResult = pool.submit(readSTDIN)
while True:
event, values = window.read(timeout=500)
if event != "__TIMEOUT__":
window['MULTI'].print(f"Received event:{event}")
if event in ('QUIT', sg.WIN_CLOSED):
print("Quit was pressed")
if futureResult.done(): # flag that the "future" task has a value ready;
#therefore process the line from STDIN
x = futureResult.result()
futureResult = pool.submit(readSTDIN) #add a future for next line of STDIN
checks if the file associated to the file descriptor (fd) 0 is a TTY. When you change thesys.stdin
variable, you're not changing the file associated with fd0. fd0 is still pointing to the original stdin (which is a TTY in your case). – PsychokinesiscStringIO.StringIO("ddd")
could block; it always has data available, except when EOF is reached of course. – Psychokinesisos.isatty(0)
can not only check if stdin is connected to a TTY device, but also if there is data available. – Aileenailene