I'm trying to do a JWT authentication to a distinct API.
As @nuxtjs/auth-next doesn't seem to be up to date and as I read it was possible to use the new global method fetch in Nuxt 3 instead of @nuxtjs/axios (not up to date also), I thought it won't be too hard to code the authentication myself! But it stays a mystery to me and I only found documentation on Vue project (using Pinia to keep user logged in) and I'm a bit at a lost.
What I would like to achieve:
- a login page with email and password, login request send to API (edit: done!)
- get JWT token and user info from API (edit: done!) and store both (to keep user logged even if a page is refresh)
- set the JWT token globally to header $fetch requests (?) so I don't have to add it to each request
- don't allow access to other pages if user is not logged in
Any help on this?
Here is my login.vue page (I'll have to use Vuetify and vee-validate after that but again one step at a time!)
// pages/login.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useAuthStore } from "~/store/auth";
const authStore = useAuthStore();
interface loginForm {
email: string;
password: string;
let loginForm: loginForm = {
email: "",
password: "",
function login() {
<form @submit.prevent="login">
<input v-model="loginForm.email" required type="email" />
<input v-model="loginForm.password" required type="password" />
<button type="submit">Login</button>
The store/auth.ts for now.
// store/auth.ts
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { encodeURL } from '~~/services/utils/functions'
export const useAuthStore = defineStore({
id: 'auth,
state: () => ({
// TODO Initialize state from local storage to enable user to stay logged in
user: '',
token: '',
actions: {
async login(loginForm) {
const URL_ENCODED_FORM = encodeURL({
email: loginForm.email,
password: loginForm.password,
return await $fetch('api_route', {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
method: 'POST',