The table could have a sequence column, which gives it a unique primary key of ColumnA-sequence:
table: t1
ColumnA sequence ColumnB
1 1 abc
1 2 pqr
1 3 xyz
2 1 efg
2 2 hij
3 1 asd
And a Crosstab could be created:
query: x1
TRANSFORM Min([columnB] & ", ") AS Expr1
SELECT t1.columnA
GROUP BY t1.columnA
PIVOT t1.sequence;
columnA 1 2 3
1 abc, pqr, xyz,
2 efg, hij,
3 asd,
Then a final query can combine the columns and remove the last comma:
SELECT x1.columnA, Left([1] & [2] & [3],Len([1] & [2] & [3])-2) AS columnB FROM x1;
columnA columnB
1 abc, pqr, xyz
2 efg, hij
3 asd
To automate filling in the sequence, the following VBA code can be used:
Sub fill_sequence_t1()
Dim i: i = 1
Do While DCount("*", "t1", "sequence IS NULL") > 0
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT t1.columnA, Min(t1.columnB) AS columnB_min INTO t2" & _
" FROM t1 WHERE t1.sequence IS NULL GROUP BY t1.columnA;"
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON (t1.columnA = t2.columnA)" & _
" AND (t1.columnB = t2.columnB_min) SET t1.sequence=" & i
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete "t2"
i = i + 1
End Sub
set function: what would the resulting data type be? would it violate 1NF? would it be a set? how could such data be queried? etc; 2) Access2007 introduced multi-valued types (…); 3) Have you considered a report? The one that ships with Access is quite nice. – Delapaz