Does anyone know why this is, or how to fix it?
I'm using an android to connect via httpclient - the Simple connector resumes the connection just fine, but Jetty performs a new handshake each time ! The code is the same, it's just what connecter I've got on the build path. Continually redoing the handshake uses up a ridiculous amount of data and battery - the problem is that I require client authentication, which as I've discovered doesn't work properly with the Simple connecter. Is there something I'm missing here? I'm using the standard connection set up as below.
component = new Component();
Server httpsServer = component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS, 444);
Series<Parameter> parameters = httpsServer.getContext().getParameters();
File pwd = new File(".");
String path = pwd.getCanonicalPath();
String keystorePath = path + "/keystore/keypair.jks";
parameters.add("SSLContextFactory", "org.restlet.ext.ssl.PkixSslContextFactory");
parameters.add("keystorePath", keystorePath);
parameters.add("keystorePassword", "xxx");
parameters.add("keyPassword", "xxx");
parameters.add("keystoreType", "JKS");
parameters.add("threadMaxIdleTimeMs", "60000"); //default idle time
parameters.add("needClientAuthentication", "true");
// Guard the restlet with BASIC authentication (encrypted under SSL).
ChallengeAuthenticator guard = new ChallengeAuthenticator(null, ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC, "xxx");
//new pagerreceiver
Restlet resty = new PagerReceiverApplication();
LoginChecker loginVerifier = new LoginChecker();
overrideStatus statusService = new overrideStatus();