I am having some trouble setting up my vwd 2010 environment to run under my local iis 7.5 instead of iis express.
Whenever I go to the project properties and select the 'web' tab, I choose under Servers, 'Local iis web server'. It automatically puts in the Project URL http://localhost/myprojectname.
I click Create Virtual Directory and it comes up with this warning,,,
'Unable to create the virtual directory. The site ofr the url http://localhost/myprojectname exists on both the local IIS Web server and the IIS Express web server. You need to edit the 'c:\Users\Mike\Documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config' file to change the port number in use by iis express or use iis manager to change the sites binding(s) in iis.'
Your help is greatly appreciated in explaining why I can't use the built in functionality to use iis 7.5 instead of iis express.
Thank you in advance.