Note: This approach modifies your package.json
on the fly, use it if you have no alternative.
I had to pass command line arguments to my scripts which were something like:
"scripts": {
"start": "npm run build && npm run watch",
"watch": "concurrently \"npm run watch-ts\" \"npm run watch-node\"",
So, this means I start my app with npm run start
Now if I want to pass some arguments, I would start with maybe:
npm run start -- --config=someConfig
What this does is: npm run build && npm run watch -- --config=someConfig
. Problem with this is, it always appends the arguments to the end of the script. This means all the chained scripts don't get these arguments(Args maybe or may not be required by all, but that's a different story.). Further when the linked scripts are called then those scripts won't get the passed arguments. i.e. The watch
script won't get the passed arguments.
The production usage of my app is as an .exe
, so passing the arguments in the exe works fine but if want to do this during development, it gets problamatic.
I couldn't find any proper way to achieve this, so this is what I have tried.
I have created a javascript file: start-script.js
at the parent level of the application, I have a "default.package.json" and instead of maintaining "package.json", I maintain "default.package.json". The purpose of start-script.json
is to read default.package.json
, extract the scripts
and look for npm run scriptname
then append the passed arguments to these scripts. After this, it will create a new package.json
and copy the data from default.package.json with modified scripts and then call npm run start
const fs = require('fs');
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
// open default.package.json
const defaultPackage = fs.readFileSync('./default.package.json');
try {
const packageOb = JSON.parse(defaultPackage);
// loop over the scripts present in this object, edit them with flags
if ('scripts' in packageOb && process.argv.length > 2) {
const passedFlags = ` -- ${process.argv.slice(2).join(' ')}`;
// assuming the script names have words, : or -, modify the regex if required.
const regexPattern = /(npm run [\w:-]*)/g;
const scriptsWithFlags = Object.entries(packageOb.scripts).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
const patternMatches = value.match(regexPattern);
// loop over all the matched strings and attach the desired flags.
if (patternMatches) {
for (let eachMatchedPattern of patternMatches) {
const startIndex = value.indexOf(eachMatchedPattern);
const endIndex = startIndex + eachMatchedPattern.length;
// save the string which doen't fall in this matched pattern range.
value = value.slice(0, startIndex) + eachMatchedPattern + passedFlags + value.slice(endIndex);
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {});
packageOb.scripts = scriptsWithFlags;
const modifiedJSON = JSON.stringify(packageOb, null, 4);
fs.writeFileSync('./package.json', modifiedJSON);
// now run your npm start script
let cmd = 'npm';
// check if this works in your OS
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
cmd = 'npm.cmd'; //
spawn(cmd, ['run', 'start'], { stdio: 'inherit' });
} catch(e) {
console.log('Error while parsing default.package.json', e);
Now, instead of doing npm run start
, I do node start-script.js --c=somethis --r=somethingElse
The initial run looks fine, but haven't tested thoroughly. Use it, if you like for you app development.
; all parameters after the--
can be parsed perfectly in your script. – Cybill