import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('20141229',periods=14, name='Day')
df = pd.DataFrame({'Sum1': [1667, 1229, 1360, 9232, 8866, 4083, 3671, 10085, 10005, 8730, 10056, 10176, 3792, 3518],
'Sum2': [91, 75, 75, 254, 239, 108, 99, 259, 395, 355, 332, 386, 96, 111],
'Sum3': [365.95, 398.97, 285.12, 992.17, 1116.57, 512.11, 504.47, 1190.96, 1753.6, 1646.25, 1344.05, 1582.67, 560.95, 736.44],
'Sum4': [5, 5, 1, 5, 8, 8, 2, 10, 12, 16, 16, 6, 6, 3]},index=dates); print(df)
The df
produced looks like this:
Sum1 Sum2 Sum3 Sum4
2014-12-29 1667 91 365.95 5
2014-12-30 1229 75 398.97 5
2014-12-31 1360 75 285.12 1
2015-01-01 9232 254 992.17 5
2015-01-02 8866 239 1116.57 8
2015-01-03 4083 108 512.11 8
2015-01-04 3671 99 504.47 2
2015-01-05 10085 259 1190.96 10
2015-01-06 10005 395 1753.60 12
2015-01-07 8730 355 1646.25 16
2015-01-08 10056 332 1344.05 16
2015-01-09 10176 386 1582.67 6
2015-01-10 3792 96 560.95 6
2015-01-11 3518 111 736.44 3
Let's say I resample the Dataframe
to try and sum the daily data into weekly rows:
df_resampled = df.resample('W', how='sum', label='left'); print(df_resampled)
This produces the following:
Sum1 Sum2 Sum3 Sum4
2014-12-28 30108 941 4175.36 34
2015-01-04 56362 1934 8814.92 69
Question 1: my definition of a week is Mon - Sun. Since my data starts on 2014-12-29
(a Monday), I want my Day
to also start on that day. How would I make the Day
be the date of every Monday instead of every Sunday?
Desired Output:
Sum1 Sum2 Sum3 Sum4
2014-12-29 30108 941 4175.36 34
2015-01-05 56362 1934 8814.92 69
What have I tried regarding Question 1?
I changed 'W'
to 'W-MON'
but it produced 3 rows by counting 2014-12-29
in 2014-12-22
row which is not what I want:
Sum1 Sum2 Sum3 Sum4
2014-12-22 1667 91 365.95 5
2014-12-29 38526 1109 5000.37 39
2015-01-05 46277 1675 7623.96 59
Question 2: how would I format the Day
label to look like a range? Ex:
Sum1 Sum2 Sum3 Sum4
2014-12-29 - 2015-01-04 30108 941 4175.36 34
2015-01-05 - 2015-01-11 56362 1934 8814.92 69
df_resampled = df.resample('W-MON', label='left', closed='left').sum()
also works from Monday to Sunday. – Ninebark