Here is the lay of the land. Like most people I have my domain object and I have my view models. I love the idea of using view models, as it allows for models to be created specifically for a given view context, without needing to alter my business objects.
The problem I have is with type level validation defined on my domain object and getting those rules to the client. In this case lets say I am using data annotations to describe the validation rules, when I move the data from the domain object to the view model, the view model no longer knows what validation it should get the interface to perform (because the validation is defined back on the domain object).
With MVC 2 you can get it to automatically perform client/server side validation, based on the validation rules of the current object. But because the validation rules are defined on the domain object and not the view model, I would have to duplicate the validation rules on the view model to get this to work.
How do others deal with this type of issue? My thinking is that besides mapping the data from the domain object to the view model, we also need to map across the validation rules, but I haven't really seen others talking about this issue... Brad Wilson has recently talked about this issue at length but hasn't really addressed the duplication of rules on the domain object and on the view models... what are your thoughts?
Cheers Anthony