I'm creating a web api that scrapes a given url and sends that back. I am using Puppeteer to do this. I asked this question: Puppeteer not behaving like in Developer Console
and recieved an answer that suggested it would only work if headless was set to be false. I don't want to be constantly opening up a browser UI i don't need (I just the need the data!) so I'm looking for why headless has to be false and can I get a fix that lets headless = true.
Here's my code:
.get("/*", (req, res) => {
global.notBaseURL = req.params[0];
(async () => {
const browser = await puppet.launch({ headless: false }); // Line of Interest
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(req.params[0], { waitUntil: "networkidle2" }); //this is the url
title = await page.$eval("title", (el) => el.innerText);
title: title,
.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Listening on ${PORT}`));
This is the page I'm trying to scrape: https://www.nordstrom.com/s/zella-high-waist-studio-pocket-7-8-leggings/5460106?origin=coordinating-5460106-0-1-FTR-recbot-recently_viewed_snowplow_mvp&recs_placement=FTR&recs_strategy=recently_viewed_snowplow_mvp&recs_source=recbot&recs_page_type=category&recs_seed=0&color=BLACK