I checked out answers here and here to pass an Object from one composable to another and passing an @Serializable
object as String from one composable to another but get the resulting error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Navigation destination that matches request NavDeepLinkRequest{ uri=android-app://androidx.navigation/detail/{"id":3,"email":"[email protected]","first_name":"Emma","last_name":"Wong","avatar":"https://reqres.in/img/faces/3-image.jpg"} } cannot be found in the navigation graph NavGraph(0x0) startDestination={Destination(0x60276fc4) route=start_destination}
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1530)
Data class
data class User (
val id : Int,
val email : String,
val first_name : String,
val last_name : String,
val avatar : String
it's sample from reqres.in api, and NavHost
to navigate between composables is
navController = navController,
startDestination = "start_destination",
modifier = Modifier.padding(paddingValues)
) {
composable(route = "start_destination") {
ListScreen() { user ->
val json: String = Json.encodeToString(user)
composable(route = "detail/{user}", arguments = listOf(
navArgument("user") {
type = NavType.StringType
)) { backStackEntry ->
val arguments = requireNotNull(backStackEntry.arguments)
val user = Json.decodeFromString<User>(string = arguments.getString("user")!!)
DetailScreen(user = user)
crash occurs when navController.navigate("detail/$json")
is called.
are the symbols that navigation fails to parse clearly. You shouldn't work with compose navigation in this way, just pass objectid
and then read it from a repository. Check out this answer, it's made by Compose maintainer. – SerokacurrentBackStackEntry
are not straight forward and as mentioned in the comments are not working in same cases. Also passing a String is not working but as you suggestedRoute is analog of a URL
so it might be not working due to data class itself containing a url for avatars – Ormistonhttps://reqres.in/img/faces/3-image.jpg
, from data class it works fine, changed user.avatar withURLEncoder.encode("http://alphaone.me/", StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString())
it didn't work but it's apparent that source of problem is data class containing url. So if a data class contains url it's better to stay away from coding/decoding data class. – Ormiston