Given that Java 9 is upon us and we can finally have a java REPL with jshell
I was hoping there was a way to add a shebang to a script and have jshell
interpret it.
I tried creating test.jsh
#!/usr/bin/env jshell -s
System.out.println("Hello World")
However that gives:
⚡ ./test.jsh
| Error:
| illegal character: '#'
| #!/usr/bin/env jshell -s
| ^
| Error:
| illegal start of expression
| #!/usr/bin/env jshell -s
| ^
Hello World
It turns out there is an enhancement request for this in OpenJDK
Is there any other way to do this?
isn't standard POSIX anyway but surely as far as magic numbers go it would be the most widely adopted. – Deckhouse