From as.roman
code you can find .roman2numeric
and its code can be seen if you run getAnywhere(".roman2numeric")
The code is:
function (x)
romans <- c("M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X",
"IX", "V", "IV", "I")
numbers <- c(1000L, 900L, 500L, 400L, 100L, 90L, 50L, 40L,
10L, 9L, 5L, 4L, 1L)
out <- integer(length(x))
ind <-
out[ind] <- NA
if (any(!ind)) {
y <- toupper(x[!ind])
y <- gsub("CM", "DCCCC", y)
y <- gsub("CD", "CCCC", y)
y <- gsub("XC", "LXXXX", y)
y <- gsub("XL", "XXXX", y)
y <- gsub("IX", "VIIII", y)
y <- gsub("IV", "IIII", y)
ok <- grepl("^M{,3}D?C{,4}L?X{,4}V?I{,4}$", y)
if (any(!ok)) {
warning(sprintf(ngettext(sum(!ok), "invalid roman numeral: %s",
"invalid roman numerals: %s"), paste(x[!ind][!ok],
collapse = " ")), domain = NA)
out[!ind][!ok] <- NA
if (any(ok))
out[!ind][ok] <- sapply(strsplit(y[ok], ""), function(z) as.integer(sum(numbers[match(z,
You can access to .roman2numeric
and convert roman number to decimal numbers the way @rawr suggested in his/her comment.
> utils:::.roman2numeric("III")
[1] 3
> utils:::.roman2numeric("XII")
[1] 12
> utils:::.roman2numeric("LXXIX")
[1] 79