I think you can create test-utils.[j|t]s(?x)
, or whatever you set the name of the file to
, like this:
//root(or wherever your the file)/test-utils.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { render, RenderOptions } from '@testing-library/react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
// Import your store
import { store } from '@/store';
const Wrapper: React.FC = ({ children }) => <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>;
const customRender = (ui: React.ReactElement, options?: Omit<RenderOptions, 'wrapper'>) => render(ui, { wrapper: Wrapper, ...options });
// re-export everything
export * from '@testing-library/react';
// override render method
export { customRender as render };
Use it like this:
import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '../test-utils';
import Home from '@/pages/index';
describe('Home Pages', () => {
test('Should be render', () => {
render(<Home />);
const getAText = screen.getByTestId('welcome');
Works for me.
screenshot work
BTW, if you place the test-utils.[j|t]s(?x)
or whatever you set the name file
place on the directory __test__
, don't forget to ignore it on jest.config.js
testPathIgnorePatterns: ['<rootDir>/node_modules/', '<rootDir>/.next/', '<rootDir>/__tests__/test-utils.tsx'],
repo: https://github.com/hafidzamr/nextjs-ts-redux-toolkit-quickstart
in it's own file (as I did), you need to import react for it to workimport React from 'react';
– Choler