Do not use floats to store fixed-point, accuracy-required data.
This example shows how to convert a float to NVARCHAR(50) properly, while also showing why it is a bad idea to use floats for precision data.
create table #f ([Column_Name] float)
insert #f select 9072351234
insert #f select 907235123400000000000
cast([Column_Name] as nvarchar(50)),
--cast([Column_Name] as int), Arithmetic overflow
--cast([Column_Name] as bigint), Arithmetic overflow
CAST(LTRIM(STR([Column_Name],50)) AS NVARCHAR(50))
from #f
9.07235e+009 9072351234
9.07235e+020 907235123400000010000
You may notice that the 2nd output ends with '10000' even though the data we tried to store in the table ends with '00000'. It is because float
datatype has a fixed number of significant figures supported, which doesn't extend that far.