Guys I found better way to do this. Yes, it requires you to make GET requests to a YouTube page and parse HTML, but it will work with newer versions + works with consent + works with captcha (most likely, 90%)
All you need to do is make a request to[CHANNELID]/live
and check the href
attribute of the <link rel="canonical" />
For example,
<link rel="canonical" href="">
means there is no livestream, while
<link rel="canonical" href="">
means there is a stream, and you can even fetch its data by videoid
Since canonical URL is very important for SEO and redirect does not work in GET
requests anymore, I recommend using my method.
Also here is the simple script I use:
import { parse } from 'node-html-parser'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
const channelID = process.argv[2] // process.argv is array of arguments passed in console
const response = await fetch(`${channelID}/live`)
const text = await response.text()
const html = parse(text)
const canonicalURLTag = html.querySelector('link[rel=canonical]')
const canonicalURL = canonicalURLTag.getAttribute('href')
const isStreaming = canonicalURL.includes('/watch?v=')
Then run npm init -y && npm i node-html-parser node-fetch
to create project in working directory and install dependencies
Then run node isStreaming.js UC4cueEAH9Oq94E1ynBiVJhw
and it will print true/false (400-600 ms per one execution)
It does require you to depend on node-html-parser
and node-fetch
, but you can make requests with the built-in HTTP library (which sucks) and rewrite this to use regex. (Do not parse HTML with regex.)