I noticed that the OP has week 1, week 2, etc. in the ideal output. These are not the week of the year, but the "index" of the week being displayed based on the consignment dates. Building on some of the other answers already provided, here is my solution:
void DoExample()
//Load some sample data
var range = new List<DateTime>();
var curDate = DateTime.ParseExact("07/12/2011", "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var maxDate = DateTime.ParseExact("22/12/2011", "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
while(curDate < maxDate)
curDate = curDate.AddDays(1);
//Run the method to get the consignments
var c = GetConsignments(range, DayOfWeek.Sunday);
//Output to match OP's "ideal" specs
foreach(var v in c)
Console.WriteLine($"Week {v.EntryIndex + 1} (number {v.WeekOfYear} in year): (consignments between {v.RangeStart:dd/MM/yyyy} and {v.RangeEnd:dd/MM/yyyy}). Actual date range is {v.RangeStart:dd/MM/yyyy}-{v.RangeEnd:dd/MM/yyyy} ({(v.FullWeek ? "Full" : "Partial")} week)");
//Most other answers place a lot of value on the week of the year, so this would include that.
// Also includes the actual date range contained in the set and whether all dates in that week are present
foreach (var v in c)
Console.WriteLine($"Week {v.EntryIndex + 1} (number {v.WeekOfYear} in year): (consignments between {v.RangeStart} and {v.RangeEnd})");
//Note that this lets us pass in what day of the week is the start.
// Not part of OP's requirements, but provides added flexibility
public List<ConsignmentRange> GetConsignments(IEnumerable<DateTime>consignments, DayOfWeek startOfWeek=DayOfWeek.Sunday)
return consignments
.OrderBy(v => v)
.GroupBy(v => v.AddDays(-(int)((7 - (int)startOfWeek) + (int)v.DayOfWeek) % 7))
.Select((v, idx) => new ConsignmentRange
//These are part of the OP's requirement
EntryIndex = idx,
RangeStart = v.Key, // part of requirement
RangeEnd = v.Key.AddDays(6), // part of requirement
//These are added as potentially useful
WeekOfYear = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(
v.Key, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, startOfWeek),
FirstDate = v.Min(),
LastDate = v.Max(),
FullWeek = (v.Distinct().Count() == 7)
We'll also need this class defined (or a subset of it depending on what data you want to include):
public class ConsignmentRange
public int EntryIndex;
public int WeekOfYear;
public bool FullWeek;
public DateTime FirstDate;
public DateTime LastDate;
public DateTime RangeStart;
public DateTime RangeEnd;