I have ConsoleApplication on .NET Core and also I added my DbContext to dependencies, but howewer I have an error:
Unable to create an object of type 'MyContext'. For the different patterns supported at design time, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851728
I've added: var context = host.Services.GetRequiredService<MyContext>();
Also I've added private readonly DbContextOptions<MyContext> _opts;
in my Post Class:
using (MyContext db = new MyContext(_opts))
This how I added service:
.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
services.Configure<DataOptions>(opts =>
services.AddDbContext<MyContext>((provider, builder) =>
And this is my Context:
public sealed class MyContext : DbContext
private readonly DbContextOptions<MyContext> _options;
public DbSet<PostData> Posts { get; set; }
public DbSet<VoteData> Votes { get; set; }
public MyContext(DbContextOptions<MyContext> options) : base(options)
_options = options;
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
I tried add-migration and has this error
What I do wrong?