thx for reading, I am working in a project where we create a secimage (linux yocto image).
I am not familiar with all the tools used there and neither am I familiar with the technical terms to use. So this question may be just really really stupid, but I cannot figure it out by the life of mine.
We have a YOCTO ...something... with all those recipes (debian packages) we need on our (resulting) Operating-System, we use (don't know if this is obvious) bitbake to build our Image.
I know that we have some ...targets... for the bitbake command (e.g. a target for building the image for production and a target for building the image for development purposes, they obviously differ in the packages installed, just to mention one: gdb-server).
Since I came into this project later on, I have no idea how they named those targets... so I just want to know:
How can I get a list of targets?
(I tried searching but since I am not even familiar with all the technical terms to use, cause I am not a developer for YOCTO, I may just did not search for the right terms)
I do not want to list the tasks, I just want to make a development image, which I know there is a target configured for it, I just don't know its name (and none of my colleges are here, nor will they be any time soon).
Davids answer seems to be the closest, but there are some other ways in the comments ;-). THX all for your help, appreciated.
grep -rnw #theOneTargetNameIKnew#
and got a (lot of) result(s) pointing me to /#YOCTO#/#OurDistroMetaDirectory#/recipes-core/images/ Those seem to be the targets. If anyone has a bitbake command to get a list of these though, that would be nice. THX – Muskyls meta*/recipes*/images/*.bb | sed -e 's/^.*\///g' | sed -e 's/\.bb$//g'
--- Just seeing, it's in @h0ch5tr4355 caommand too... – Musky