All these years later, there still isn't an HTML5 solution out of the box for this.
I am using <input type="tel">
or <input type="text">
("tel" brings up a numeric keyboard in Android and iOS, which in some cases is a bonus.)
Then I needed a directive to:
- filter out non-numeric characters
- add thousand-separator commas as the user types
- use
and keyup
to set elem.val()
and $formatters
to set the display...
- ...while behind the scenes, assign
a floating point number
The directive example below does this, and it accepts negatives and floating point numbers unless you specify you want only positive or integers.
It's not the full solution I would like, but I think it bridges the gap.
<input type="text" ng-model="someNumber" number-input />
myApp.directive('numberInput', function($filter) {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(modelValue) {
return setDisplayNumber(modelValue, true);
// it's best to change the displayed text using elem.val() rather than
// ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue because the latter will re-trigger the parser
// and not necessarily in the correct order with the changed value last.
// see
// for an explanation of how ngModelCtrl works.
ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {
return setModelNumber(viewValue);
// occasionally the parser chain doesn't run (when the user repeatedly
// types the same non-numeric character)
// for these cases, clean up again half a second later using "keyup"
// (the parser runs much sooner than keyup, so it's better UX to also do it within parser
// to give the feeling that the comma is added as they type)
elem.bind('keyup focus', function() {
function setDisplayNumber(val, formatter) {
var valStr, displayValue;
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
return 0;
valStr = val.toString();
displayValue = valStr.replace(/,/g, '').replace(/[A-Za-z]/g, '');
displayValue = parseFloat(displayValue);
displayValue = (!isNaN(displayValue)) ? displayValue.toString() : '';
// handle leading character -/0
if (valStr.length === 1 && valStr[0] === '-') {
displayValue = valStr[0];
} else if (valStr.length === 1 && valStr[0] === '0') {
displayValue = '';
} else {
displayValue = $filter('number')(displayValue);
// handle decimal
if (!attrs.integer) {
if (displayValue.indexOf('.') === -1) {
if (valStr.slice(-1) === '.') {
displayValue += '.';
} else if (valStr.slice(-2) === '.0') {
displayValue += '.0';
} else if (valStr.slice(-3) === '.00') {
displayValue += '.00';
} // handle last character 0 after decimal and another number
else {
if (valStr.slice(-1) === '0') {
displayValue += '0';
if (attrs.positive && displayValue[0] === '-') {
displayValue = displayValue.substring(1);
if (typeof formatter !== 'undefined') {
return (displayValue === '') ? 0 : displayValue;
} else {
elem.val((displayValue === '0') ? '' : displayValue);
function setModelNumber(val) {
var modelNum = val.toString().replace(/,/g, '').replace(/[A-Za-z]/g, '');
modelNum = parseFloat(modelNum);
modelNum = (!isNaN(modelNum)) ? modelNum : 0;
if (modelNum.toString().indexOf('.') !== -1) {
modelNum = Math.round((modelNum + 0.00001) * 100) / 100;
if (attrs.positive) {
modelNum = Math.abs(modelNum);
return modelNum;
attribute. User writes it big numbers. And I want to show that number with thousand separators when user writing. – Tirpitz,
being added when appropriate in FF, Chrome, and IE11. Are you seeing the same? – Haemato,
being added. But other one that is "number" type, and it is empty. That's the problem. – Tirpitzinput type="number"
element. Would a solution that overlays the input field with a thousand separator dot value be sufficient? Otherwise, you'd have to build your own custom "input" element that behaves like you want it to. – Gumdropmin
attributes to validate value ranges. If I use text input, I must implement these validations manually. Also, in mobile devices,number
typed inputs typing with special numerical keyboard, and that is more usable for visitors. – Tirpitz