I am new to Django and I'm not able to understand how to work with Django signals. Can anyone please explain "Django signals" with simple examples?
Thanks in advance.
I am new to Django and I'm not able to understand how to work with Django signals. Can anyone please explain "Django signals" with simple examples?
Thanks in advance.
You can find very good content about django signals over Internet by doing very small research.
Here i will explain you very brief about Django signals.
What are Django signals?
Signals allow certain senders to notify a set of receivers that some action has taken place
Actions :
model's save() method is called.
django.db.models.signals.pre_save | post_save
model's delete() method is called.
django.db.models.signals.pre_delete | post_delete
ManyToManyField on a model is changed.
Django starts or finishes an HTTP request.
django.core.signals.request_started | request_finished
All signals are django.dispatch.Signal instances.
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import signals
def create_customer(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
print "Save is called"
class Customer(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=16)
description = models.CharField(max_length=32)
signals.post_save.connect(receiver=create_customer, sender=Customer)
In [1]: obj = Customer(name='foo', description='foo in detail')
In [2]: obj.save()
Save is called
signals.post_save.connect(receiver=create_customer, sender=Customer)
called after the definition of Customer
model? Also, why isn't that line indented? Won't that line execute even if class definition is not called? i.e if models.py
is imported anywhere but no objects (class definitions, functions, etc.) from models.py
are actually invoked. –
Tercentenary Apart from the explanation given by Prashant, you can also use receiver decorator present in django.dispatch
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import signals
from django.dispatch import receiver
class Customer(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=16)
description = models.CharField(max_length=32)
@receiver(signals.pre_save, sender=Customer)
def create_customer(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
print "customer created"
For more information, refer to this link.
and in your answer used from signals.pre_save
, what's the difference between these? –
Persia post_save
usage is clear but what's usage of pre_save
? –
Persia In the signals.post_save.connect(receiver=create_customer, sender=Customer)... sender will always be the model which we are defining... or we can use the User as well in the sender.
Signals are used to perform any action on modification of a model instance. The signals are utilities that help us to connect events with actions. We can develop a function that will run when a signal calls it. In other words, Signals are used to perform some action on modification/creation of a particular entry in Database. For example, One would want to create a profile instance, as soon as a new user instance is created in Database
There are 3 types of signal.
One of the example, if we want to create a profile of a user as soon as the user is created using post_save signal.
For code example, I found the Geeks for Geeks, which explains is very simple way, and easy to understand. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-create-and-use-signals-in-django/
You can add signals to your models.py file
here is an example for adding an auto slug, if you use a SlugField
this is the stuff you need to import
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_save
Add the @receiver to the bottom of your class, included the def
If you add the
def __str__(self):
under the receiver, you will get an error
class Store(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
slug = models.SlugField(unique=False, blank=True, null=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
@receiver(pre_save, sender=Store)
def store_pre_save(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
if not instance.slug:
instance.slug = slugify(instance.name)
or you can use post_save
class Store(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
slug = models.SlugField(unique=False, blank=True, null=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
@receiver(post_save, sender=Store)
def store_post_save(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
if not instance.slug:
instance.slug = slugify(instance.name)
I found this example from this tutorial
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