Access denied when put bucket policy on aws s3 bucket with root user (= bucket owner)
Asked Answered



I have an AWS root user which I used to create a S3 bucket on Amazon.
Now I want to make this bucket public by adding following policy:

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [{
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:GetObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<my bucket name>/*"

Where <my bucket name> is the name of the bucket. When I try to save this policy I get a 403 access denied.

I tried explicitly setting the s3:PutBucketPolicy permission but it still gives a 403. Anybody knows why?

This is the image error:

image of the aws error message

Perennial answered 19/11, 2018 at 11:38 Comment(10)
Could you please verify that the "root" user you have, actually has correct permissions to modify S3?Gipsy
Doesn't the root user always have full access to the bucket if he created it? I also cretaed an IAM user with permissions for the bucket and that user also can't adjust bucket policyPerennial
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:PutBucketPolicy", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucketname" } ] }Perennial
that is the policy for the IAM user but het still can't change the bucket policy. Even tried through the aws cliPerennial
Have you attached it to the user?Gipsy
yes it is attached directlyPerennial
You are missing "Principal" : { "AWS" : "*"} in your policyGipsy
The issue is that I can't update the bucket policy because I get a 403 forbidden. I've tried to set the policy through the aws console and aws cli.I've also confirmed that i'm the owner of the bucket and i'm logged in with the correct account..Perennial
Can you please update your post with the access your account has? Picture if possibleGipsy
I've posted the answer that seemed to work for me :)Perennial

Capture on my AWS S3

Uncheck 2 rows for fixing the access denied. But please remember reading it clearly and consider it before you create a new bucket. Permission is really important.

Usually answered 20/11, 2018 at 6:43 Comment(2)
This is incorrect. Tijl is setting a bucket policy, not an ACL. The 'block new public policies' checkmark is the one that needs to be uncheckedAnemometer
@KenKrueger This anwser from 2018 and I haven't used AWS for 4 years. Feel free to share your solution below. Thank you.Harlandharle

If deploying via CloudFormation or AWS SAM, you need to explicitly allow the bucket to be public like so:

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
        BlockPublicPolicy: false
        RestrictPublicBuckets: false

Then you can specify an AWS::S3::BucketPolicy that allows public access.

Tambac answered 9/5, 2023 at 7:4 Comment(1)
This changed from the AWS side. Before it wasn't necessary to specify those two props. Thanks!!Selfinduction

I've tried creating a new bucket and by setting the following permission parameters unchecked (false) the bucket policy can now be adjusted to make the bucket objects public. Afterwards I ticked off the four previous checkboxes and now it works.


enter image description here

Perennial answered 19/11, 2018 at 12:45 Comment(0)

For folks struggling with this error using aws-cdk and already existing bucket:

Take a look if you are not trying to modify bucket policy when you have set "blockPublicAccess: s3.BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL" or any other blocking s3.BlockPublicAccess in Bucket properties.

You have to turn it off or remove that property if you want to modify the policy. After deploying (modifying) policy you can set the blockPublicAccess property back again.

Zecchino answered 7/11, 2022 at 12:16 Comment(0)

2023 Update: cdk created bucket

In case someone comes here trying to deploy a bucket: I needed to add blockPublicAccess: BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ACLS,

  const siteBucket = new Bucket(stack, BUCKET_ID, {
    bucketName: `${BUCKET_NAME}-${buildConfig.Environment}`,
    publicReadAccess: true,
    blockPublicAccess: BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ACLS,
    removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
    websiteIndexDocument: 'index.html',
Aloise answered 29/8, 2023 at 16:36 Comment(0)

The original blog post on block public access ( explains the observed behavior.

It appears you have created the bucket via the console, which means 'block public access' rules are on by default. This includes 'block public access to buckets and objects granted through new public bucket policies'. This option "disallows ... public bucket policies, and ... future PUT requests that include them will fail." This is the exact error described.

Since you are attempting to use a bucket policy, not an ACL, you would need to disable 'block public access to buckets and objects granted through new public bucket policies'. Uncheck that block option and your put will be successful.
This presumes that you have the ability to unblock public access at the account level.

Note that since April 2023, the means by which you create the bucket no longer influences this behavior, see The block behavior is the same whether a bucket is created via console, CLI, SDK, CloudFormation, CDK, etc.

Anemometer answered 1/5, 2023 at 15:6 Comment(0)

Just in case anyone is reading this and using Terraform, you have to first use this resource when creating any public policy:

resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "example" {
    bucket =

    block_public_acls       = false
    block_public_policy     = false
Stepson answered 16/5, 2024 at 19:18 Comment(0)

call this before using putBucketPolicy:

await s3.putPublicAccessBlock({
      Bucket: bucket_name,
      PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: {
        BlockPublicAcls: false,
        IgnorePublicAcls: false,
        BlockPublicPolicy: false,
        RestrictPublicBuckets: false
Pastoralize answered 13/7, 2024 at 13:59 Comment(1)
As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.Swart

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