To build up to how you'd use the longest increasing subsequence algorithm to solve this problem, let's start off with some intuition and then build up to a solution. Since you can only build bridges between cities at matching indices, you can think of the set of bridges that you end up building as the largest set of pairs you can find that don't contain any crossing. So under what circumstance would you have a crossing?
Let's see when this can happen. Suppose that we sort all of the bridges built by their first city. If two bridges cross, then we must have that there is some bridge (ai, bi) such that for some other bridge (aj, bj) one of the following holds:
- ai < aj and bi > bj
- ai > aj and bi < bj
This first case says that there is a bridge whose top city is further to the right than the start of our bridge and whose bottom city is further to the left than the end of our bridge, and the second case handles the opposite case.
Given that this property needs to hold, we need to ensure that for every set of bridges, we have that exactly one of the two following properties holds for any pair of bridges (ai, bi), (aj, bj): either
In other words, if we were to sort the bridges by their first coordinate, the set of second coordinates would always be increasing. Similarly, if we were to sort the bridges by their second coordiante, the first coordinate would always be increasing.
The property that we've just defined defines a partial ordering ≤both on the set of bridges, where we say that (ai, bi) ≤both (aj, bj) if ai ≤ aj and bi ≤ bj. Notice that this is not a total ordering - for example, (1, 2) is incomparable with (2, 1) - but it is a partial ordering because it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive.
Given this, the goal of the problem is to find the largest set of elements that we can that can be totally ordered by this relationship, since if we have a set containing two incomparable elements those elements must necessarily represent crossing bridges. In other words, we want to find the longest chain in the partial order. One way to do this is to, in O(n2) time, compare each element to each other element and see which elements can be ordered by ≤both. This produces a directed acyclic graph, where the pair (ai, bi) has an edge to (aj, bj) iff (ai, bi) ≤both (aj, bj). Once we have this directed acyclic graph, we can then find the longest path in the graph to find the largest set of elements that are call comparable by ≤both, which then gives the solution to the problem. The overall runtime is thus O(n2).
However, we can do substantially better than this. The problem with the above algorithm is that we can't easily tell how the elements compare against one another, so we have to explicitly compare each city against each other city.
2 5 8 10
6 4 1 2
Let's sort the cities by the bottom row:
8 10 5 2
1 2 4 6
Now, here's the really cool observation. If we have the elements sorted by their bottom row, then we can tell if two pairs are orderable by ≤both by looking at their positions in the top row. If the first pair is to the left of the second pair, we immediately know that the second elements of the first pair is less than the second element of the second pair, since we've sorted them by the second coordinate. We then have that the pair of elements can be built together iff the first element of the first pair is less than the first element of the second pair. Consequently, if we want to find a set of bridges that can be built together, we're looking for an increasing subsequence of the top row, since in that case both the first and second elements of the pairs are increasing as we move from the left to the right. Finding the longest increasing subsequence then solves this problem. Since we can sort the pairs by their second field in O(n log n) and find the longest increasing subsequence in O(n log n), this is an O(n log n) solution to the problem!
Whew! Hope that this answer explains things in detail!