For those migrating from gulp v3 to v4 or are using gulp.task()
to define tasks in gulp v4 and get this error message: Task never defined
, the problem usually lies here:
Forward references
A forward reference is when you compose tasks, using string
references, that haven't been registered yet. This was a common
practice in older versions, but this feature was removed to achieve
faster task runtime and promote the use of named functions. In newer
versions, you'll get an error, with the message "Task never defined",
if you try to use forward references. You may experience this when
trying to use exports for your task registration and composing tasks
by string. In this situation, use named functions instead of string
During migration, you may need to use the forward reference registry.
This will add an extra closure to every task reference and
dramatically slow down your build. Don't rely on this fix for very
From gulpjs documentation re: gulp.series and gulp.parallel documentation.
Here is what that means. There are two ways to create tasks:
1. gulp.task('someStringAsTask', function() {..})
2. function myNamedFunction () {…}
When you use version 1 (gulp.task…
) you cannot refer to that task by its string name until it has been registered. So you cannot do this:
exports.sync = gulp.series('sass2css', serve, watch);
// or gulp.task('dev', gulp.series('sass2css', serve, watch); doesn't work either
gulp.task('sass2css', function() {
return gulp.src(paths.sass.stylesFile)
.pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError))
.pipe(reload({ stream: true }));
Results in
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Task never defined: sass2css
That is a forward reference, composing a task (using gulp.series
or gulp.parallel
) and referring to a task by its string name (in the above case 'sass2css'
) before it has been registered. (calling "gulp.task(…..)
" is the act of registering) Putting the gulp.task('sass2css',...)
first fixes the problem.
If you use version two of defining a task:
function sass2css() {
return gulp.src(paths.sass.stylesFile)
.pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError))
.pipe(reload({ stream: true }));
you are now using a named function to register a task and do not need to use its name as a string. So this now works:
exports.sync = gulp.series(sass2css, serve, watch);
// gulp.task('dev', gulp.series(sass2css, serve, watch); this also works
followed by (or preceded by - either works):
function sass2css() {
return gulp.src(paths.sass.stylesFile)
.pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError))
.pipe(reload({ stream: true }));
The original OP used this and it worked:
import gulp from 'gulp';
gulp.task('dev', gulp.series('clean');
Noted that clean.js
got imported before dev.js
so that was okay.
This didn't work:
import gulp from 'gulp';
gulp.task('build', gulp.series('clean');
because the string-referenced task, 'clean'
gets imported (and thus registered) after build.js
where it is referenced - thus creating an illegal forward reference to a string-referenced task.
So there are two standard ways to fix this error:
Use named functions to define tasks not gulp.task('someTask',...)
. Then it doesn't matter the order of using those named functions when composing other tasks, i.e., when using gulp.series
or gulp.parallel
. And there are other advantages to using named functions, such as passing arguments, so this is the best option.
If you do use the older gulp v3 gulp.task
method of creating tasks with string references, be careful to not refer to those tasks until after the task is actually created.
Also see my answer at task never defined error for fixing another problem which results in the same error message. Specifically using gulp.task('someTask', ['anotherTask'], function(){})
synatx in a gulp4 file.