The other answers are great but, since humanity seems convinced that "any tracking is evil tracking" I like to take it a step further by being "invisible" to the user by retaining the .png
etc image file extension.
I'm not sure about compatibility with all types of web servers and hosts, but for me it was a quick change to the AddHandler directive I already had in .htaccess
, such as:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-lsphp .png allow processing of PHP code within files with a .png
You might already have an AddHandler
line to allow PHP in .htm
files; if so, just add the appropriate image file extension to the end of the list.
This is, roughly, my "tracking image" code, file saved as trackimage.png
or whatever :
<?php //silently log user and return image
$json = file_get_contents("".$ip."/geo");
if(($json<>'')&&(strpos($json,"error")===false)){ extract(json_decode($json ,true)); }
$sql = "INSERT INTO img_track_table set ip='$ip', useragent=$useragent, uri=$uri, "
."querystring=$querystring, country=$country, prov=$prov, city=$city, lat=$lat, lon=$lon;";
require 'connect.php'; $conn=new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn->connect_error) { /* couldn't connect, but do nothing about it */ }
}else{ //run insert query
if(!$conn->query($sql)) { /* query error, but do nothing about it */ }
//return image
header("Content-Type: image/png");
function tidy($str){ //remove quotes and backslashes from string
if(is_null($str)||($str=="")){return "null";}
if(is_numeric($str)){return $str;}
return "'$str'";
Note that if error text, or anything else, is returned by the code before the image, the image will be undisplayable. It might also be worth researching possible security concerns with this that might apply to you case. For example, this.