class TablePrinter(object):
"Print a list of dicts as a table"
def __init__(self, fmt, sep=' ', ul=None):
@param fmt: list of tuple(heading, key, width)
heading: str, column label
key: dictionary key to value to print
width: int, column width in chars
@param sep: string, separation between columns
@param ul: string, character to underline column label, or None for no underlining
self.fmt = str(sep).join('{lb}{0}:{1}{rb}'.format(key, width, lb='{', rb='}') for heading,key,width in fmt)
self.head = {key:heading for heading,key,width in fmt}
self.ul = {key:str(ul)*width for heading,key,width in fmt} if ul else None
self.width = {key:width for heading,key,width in fmt}
def row(self, data):
return self.fmt.format(**{ k:str(data.get(k,''))[:w] for k,w in self.width.iteritems() })
def __call__(self, dataList):
_r = self.row
res = [_r(data) for data in dataList]
res.insert(0, _r(self.head))
if self.ul:
res.insert(1, _r(self.ul))
return '\n'.join(res)
and in use:
data = [
{'classid':'foo', 'dept':'bar', 'coursenum':'foo', 'area':'bar', 'title':'foo'},
{'classid':'yoo', 'dept':'hat', 'coursenum':'yoo', 'area':'bar', 'title':'hat'},
{'classid':'yoo'*9, 'dept':'hat'*9, 'coursenum':'yoo'*9, 'area':'bar'*9, 'title':'hathat'*9}
fmt = [
('ClassID', 'classid', 11),
('Dept', 'dept', 8),
('Course Number', 'coursenum', 20),
('Area', 'area', 8),
('Title', 'title', 30)
print( TablePrinter(fmt, ul='=')(data) )
ClassID Dept Course Number Area Title
=========== ======== ==================== ======== ==============================
foo bar foo bar foo
yoo hat yoo bar hat
yooyooyooyo hathatha yooyooyooyooyooyooyo barbarba hathathathathathathathathathat