I am working on a template where I am trying to render template using express and ejs. As to the standard structure of node app, I have app.js file which which contains functions like following:
app.locals.getFlag = function(country) {
var flag_img_name = "";
if (country.toLowerCase() == "us") {
flag_img_name = "flag_us16x13.gif";
else if (country.toLowerCase() == "ca"){
flag_img_name = "flag_ca16x13.gif";
return flag_img_name;
I have some_template.ejs file which calls this function like follows:
<img src="http://some_url_path/<%=getFlag(data_point[0].country_name) %>" width="16" height="14" alt="country" >
and it works just fine. However, I have around 15-20 functions like this and I don't want to define all of them in app.js. Is there any other place where I can define these functions and call them in the template same way as I am doing now? If yes, what would be the way to define them so that they are accessible like they are right now.
I am new to node, express and ejs and not sure of different techniques. If someone could shed a light over it, it would be great. Thank you in advance.