I have a CharacterBody2D & a RigidBody2D colliding in a scene (Godot 4.1.2 Stable Mono).
When the RigidBody2D is moving above a certain speed & colliding with the CharacterBody2D, the latter exhibits some kind of kickback / backward jittery movement. Same thing happens when the CharacterBody2D initiates the collision at high speed with the RigidBody2D. The higher the speed, the more this jittery backward movement is visible on the CharacterBody2D.
I have coded the CharacterBody2D to follow the mouse cursor (move_and_slide()) and I use apply_central_impulse() to "push" the RigidBody2D in the opposite direction when a collision occurs between the 2 objects.
I have tried reducing the mass & bounciness of the RigidBody2D but no noticeable effect observed. Same with removing apply_central_impulse() from my CharacterBody2D code.
Any lead on how to remove this jittery kickback movement would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for reading.