Contrary to JUnit, where you have to declare field variable static and assign value to it in
public static void setupClass()
so it was initialized just once per test suite (not each method), in Spock you may use instance field variable and annotate it with @Shared
Consider the following example:
class SharedTestSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
def shared = shared()
def shared() {
"I came from ${this.class.simpleName}"
def 'Test one'() {
println("test one, shared: $shared")
expect: true
def 'Test two'() {
println("test two, shared: $shared")
expect: true
class SubclassSpec extends SharedTestSpec {
def shared() {
println("They've got me!")
"I came from ${this.class.simpleName}"
Running SubclassSpec gives you the following output:
test one, shared: I came from SubclassSpec
test two, shared: I came from SubclassSpec
They've got me!
Can't explain the print order though, but that's due to AST.
better shows your intent – Isobelisocheim