I converted most of my classic build pipelines to yaml now. The yaml convert tool devop basically treated my classic build pipeline tasks as individual yaml tasks. So now I have one job with around 8 tasks.
When learning yaml, I see some will create multiple jobs and some even create multiple stages. Stages for me seems to be matching for different deployment environments (dev, QA, UAT etc). But I am not sure when should I use multiple jobs?
Say I have two solutions within one repo and would like to build both and my artifact will contain both solution's dlls. For each solution, my tasks will be build, run unit test and package the dlls up.
I can put all these into one job, so it will be sequential tasks to do step by step. Or I can create two jobs, each handle the build of one solution. But is there any benefit of using multiple jobs comparing to one? Seems Microsoft allows your agent to run two jobs in parallel (in theory it will be quicker), but they charge you for that.