Jetpack Compose Navigation - pass argument to startDestination
Asked Answered



The app I'm building uses compose navigation with routes. The challenge is that the start destination is dynamic.

Here is a minimal example:

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity()
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

        setContent {
            val navController = rememberNavController()

                navController = navController,
                startDestination = "dynamic/1", // doesn't work
                // startDestination = "static", // workaround
            ) {
                    route = "dynamic/{$ARG_ID}",
                    arguments = listOf(navArgument(ARG_ID) { type = NavType.StringType }),
                ) {
                    val id = it.arguments?.getString(ARG_ID)
                    Text("dynamic route, received argument: $id!")
                // part of the workaround
                // composable(
                //  route = "static",
                // ) {
                //  LaunchedEffect(this) {
                //      navController.navigate("dynamic/1")
                //  }
                // }

    companion object
        const val ARG_ID = "id"

The app crashes with

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: navigation destination route/1 is not a direct child of this NavGraph

The problem only exists if the "dynamic" route is used as start destination. This can be verified by using startDestination = "static".

Although, the "static" route workaround works I'm looking for a solution without it because it kind of obfuscates the code and also creates an additional entry in the back stack.

-> Full code sample to reproduce the issue

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I want to stress that the original sample used to not contain the "static" composable. I only added the "static" composable to have a working startDestination and to prove that the "dynamic" composable can be navigated to.


Even switching to the query parameter syntax for optional arguments, providing a default value, and setting the start destination without any argument does not work.

The following variation

    navController = navController,
    startDestination = "dynamic",
) {
        route = "dynamic?$ARG_ID={$ARG_ID}",
        arguments = listOf(navArgument(ARG_ID) { type = NavType.StringType; defaultValue = "1" }),
    ) {
        val id = it.arguments?.getString(ARG_ID)
        Text("dynamic route, received argument: $id!")

Leads to the exception

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: navigation destination dynamic is not a direct child of this NavGraph
Norword answered 18/12, 2021 at 14:1 Comment(11)
Does this answer your question? Compose Navigation - navigation destination ... is not a direct child of this NavGraph (answer from Compose maintainer)Oberstone
@PhilipDukhov No, unfortunately it doesn't. Reading all comments the accepted answer seems to not fully resolve the original issue there... or did you catch something I can apply to my sample? I'm going to add the question to my related questions list.Norword
Rather than have static call navController.navigate("dynamic/1"), just have it call your real content composable for the dynamic scenario, passing in "1" as a hard-coded value, rather than getting it from the arguments Bundle. That avoids the additional entry in the back stack, and it would not seem to be especially complex.Adriannaadrianne
@Adriannaadrianne Thanks! Could you please elaborate where you'd call navController.navigate("dynamic/1") and what you would set as startDestination?Norword
"Could you please elaborate where you'd call navController.navigate("dynamic/1")" -- I suggested not doing that. Keep the static route, but have it call the same function that your dynamic route does, just with a hard-coded "1" parameter, rather than getting the value from the arguments bundle.Adriannaadrianne
@Adriannaadrianne Thank you, I finally got your point. What I still don't get is why start destinations with arguments don't work. I see this as an unpredictable limitation or simply a bug. The workaround with a "static" route requires to take this additional route into account in the back stack, e.g. when using popUpTo() and for the decision which bottom bar item needs to be marked selected given the current route.Norword
OK, have you tried using defaultValue on your dynamic argument, to perhaps avoid setting a value when it is your start destination? That might require you to make it an optional argument.Adriannaadrianne
@Adriannaadrianne I extended the original post with a sample using optional arguments. This stills throws the same exception. "dynamic" only works as startDestination if I remove any arguments from the composable route but then the route can't be navigated to with arguments - all call-side arguments are ignored if only declared in the arguments list but not mentioned in the route.Norword
The string "dynamic" you use for your startDestination needs to match, character by character, the exact string you use in your composable route: it needs to be "dynamic?$ARG_ID={$ARG_ID}".Plectrum
Thank you so much @ianhanniballake! I always assumed that startDestination needed to be a concrete route (containing the arguments' values). Wouldn't it be a cool feature if that was possible? Then, arguments wouldn't require a default value and could be declared as truly mandatory.Norword
this is a crazy question :)Understanding

Full credit goes to ianhanniballake, who explained the solution to me in a comment. I'm going to show the working version of my code sample here.

The big insight to me was:

startDestination must not match a composable route in the sense of pattern matching but it must be exactly the same string.

That means an argument can't be set via startDestination directly but has to be set via the argument's defaultValue.

Here is the working sample:

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity()
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

        setContent {
            val navController = rememberNavController()

                navController = navController,
                // 1st change: Set startDestination to the exact string of route
                startDestination = "dynamic/{$ARG_ID}", // NOT "dynamic/1", provide arguments via defaultValue
            ) {
                    route = "dynamic/{$ARG_ID}",
                    // 2nd change: Set startDestination argument via defaultValue
                    arguments = listOf(navArgument(ARG_ID) { type = NavType.StringType; defaultValue = "1" }),
                ) {
                    val id = it.arguments?.getString(ARG_ID)
                    Text("dynamic route, received argument: $id!")

    companion object
        const val ARG_ID = "id"

The approach equally works with the argument provided in the form of a query parameter.

To be honest, I see this as a small limitation because the start route now dictates what has to be the defaultValue. I might want to set a different defaultValue or none at all. Yet, in most cases this should be the most elegant solution.

Norword answered 19/12, 2021 at 11:6 Comment(3)
@Plectrum would be great to have that info in the official docsLeptospirosis
Thanks for this answer, your assumption was also my intuitive sense; if Compose Navigation is supposed to operate similarly to URL navigation, I think it would work in that way. I agree with @MTomczynski, this edge case should be in the official documentation.Postboy
end of the day! we can't change the default value dynamically. for startDestinationLadoga

All credit goes to ianhanniballake and Peter. In my case I didn't add any additional (mandatory key/optional key) in route for the argument data. I kept the route clean like below:

Nav graph:

 navigation(route = Route.Root.route, startDestination = Route.SubmitForm.route) {

        route = Route.SubmitForm.route,
        arguments = listOf(
            navArgument(ARG_KEY) {
                type = NavType.StringType
                defaultValue = JsonConverter.toJson(user,

Route sealed class:

sealed class Route(val route: String) {
    object MyRoute : Route("$ROOT/submit-form")

And in view model just get the data like this:

class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(
    stateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
) : ViewModel {

    lateinit var user

    init {
        user = stateHandle.get<String>(ARG_NAME) // Supported data types

It worked for me.

Equivocate answered 5/12, 2022 at 21:26 Comment(0)

If your first screen requires dynamic data fetched from an api or something like that, the default value won't do it.

It's not the cleanest solution. But you can compose an empty dummy screen first, after it loads you can navigate to the actual home screen

    var isPlaced by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

    LaunchedEffect(isPlaced) {
        if (isPlaced) {
            navController.navigate("home/some-argument") {
                launchSingleTop = true

        navController = navController,
        startDestination = "start"
        ) {

            composable("start") {
                    modifier = Modifier.onGloballyPositioned {
                        isPlaced = true
                ) {}

            ) { backStackEntry ->
                backStackEntry.arguments?.getString(argument)?.let {
Respective answered 12/7, 2023 at 9:16 Comment(0)

should not be using dynamic route value in "startDestination" NavHost --> navController.navigate(<dynamic route ‌>)

Antepenult answered 2/12, 2022 at 3:35 Comment(0)

You can follow this official documentation


    arguments = listOf(navArgument("userId") { defaultValue = "user1234" })
) { backStackEntry ->
    Profile(navController, backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("userId"))

But it has only one limitation you can't pass boolean in args for eg if you replace userId with any boolean value it does not work when you use it in start destination.

Whortleberry answered 15/12, 2023 at 4:32 Comment(0)

What I did was explicitly navigate again in case start destination has params.

This way we also have to pop up the stack to remove initial navigation to start destination without params.

This solution might not work in all scenarios, but was enough to get me out of the situation.

LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
    if (doesStartDestinationHaveArgs(startDestination)) {
Eckel answered 12/12, 2023 at 12:5 Comment(0)

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