In my case, I have a scrollable body and a scrollable floating menu over it. Both have to be scrollable, but I had to prevent body scrolling when "floating menu" (position:fixed) received touch events and was scrolling and it reached top or bottom. By default browser then started to scroll the body.
I really liked jimmont's answer, but unfortunatelly it did not work well on all devices and browsers, especially with a fast and long swipe.
I ended up using MOMENTUM SCROLLING USING JQUERY ( on floating menu, which prevents default browser scrolling and then animates scrolling itself. I include that code here for completeness:
* jQuery inertial Scroller v1.5
* (c)2013
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
/*jslint browser: true*/
/*global $, jQuery*/
var i_v = {
i_touchlistener : '.inertialScroll', // element to monitor for touches, set to null to use document. Otherwise use quotes. Eg. '.myElement'. Note: if the finger leaves this listener while still touching, movement is stopped.
i_scrollElement : '.inertialScroll', // element (class) to be scrolled on touch movement
i_duration : window.innerHeight * 1.5, // (ms) duration of the inertial scrolling simulation. Devices with larger screens take longer durations (phone vs tablet is around 500ms vs 1500ms). This is a fixed value and does not influence speed and amount of momentum.
i_speedLimit : 1.2, // set maximum speed. Higher values will allow faster scroll (which comes down to a bigger offset for the duration of the momentum scroll) note: touch motion determines actual speed, this is just a limit.
i_handleY : true, // should scroller handle vertical movement on element?
i_handleX : true, // should scroller handle horizontal movement on element?
i_moveThreshold : 100, // (ms) determines if a swipe occurred: time between last updated movement @ touchmove and time @ touchend, if smaller than this value, trigger inertial scrolling
i_offsetThreshold : 30, // (px) determines, together with i_offsetThreshold if a swipe occurred: if calculated offset is above this threshold
i_startThreshold : 5, // (px) how many pixels finger needs to move before a direction (horizontal or vertical) is chosen. This will make the direction detection more accurate, but can introduce a delay when starting the swipe if set too high
i_acceleration : 0.5, // increase the multiplier by this value, each time the user swipes again when still scrolling. The multiplier is used to multiply the offset. Set to 0 to disable.
i_accelerationT : 250 // (ms) time between successive swipes that determines if the multiplier is increased (if lower than this value)
/* stop editing here */
//set some required vars
i_v.i_time = {};
i_v.i_elem = null;
i_v.i_elemH = null;
i_v.i_elemW = null;
i_v.multiplier = 1;
// Define easing function. This is based on a quartic 'out' curve. You can generate your own at
if ($.easing.hnlinertial === undefined) {
$.easing.hnlinertial = function (x, t, b, c, d) {
"use strict";
var ts = (t /= d) * t, tc = ts * t;
return b + c * (-1 * ts * ts + 4 * tc + -6 * ts + 4 * t);
$(i_v.i_touchlistener || document)
.on('touchstart touchmove touchend', function (e) {
"use strict";
//prevent default scrolling
//store timeStamp for this event
i_v.i_time[e.type] = e.timeStamp;
.on('touchstart', function (e) {
"use strict";
this.tarElem = $(;
this.elemNew = this.tarElem.closest(i_v.i_scrollElement).length > 0 ? this.tarElem.closest(i_v.i_scrollElement) : $(i_v.i_scrollElement).eq(0);
//dupecheck, optimizes code a bit for when the element selected is still the same as last time
this.sameElement = i_v.i_elem ? i_v.i_elem[0] == this.elemNew[0] : false;
//no need to redo these if element is unchanged
if (!this.sameElement) {
//set the element to scroll
i_v.i_elem = this.elemNew;
//get dimensions
i_v.i_elemH = i_v.i_elem.innerHeight();
i_v.i_elemW = i_v.i_elem.innerWidth();
//check element for applicable overflows and reevaluate settings
this.i_scrollableY = !!((i_v.i_elemH < i_v.i_elem.prop('scrollHeight') && i_v.i_handleY));
this.i_scrollableX = !!((i_v.i_elemW < i_v.i_elem.prop('scrollWidth') && i_v.i_handleX));
//get coordinates of touch event
this.pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
this.pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
if (':animated') && (i_v.i_time.touchstart - i_v.i_time.touchend) < i_v.i_accelerationT) {
//user swiped while still animating, increase the multiplier for the offset
i_v.multiplier += i_v.i_acceleration;
} else {
//else reset multiplier
i_v.multiplier = 1;
//stop any animations still running on element (this enables 'tap to stop')
.stop(true, false)
//store current scroll positions of element
.data('scrollTop', i_v.i_elem.scrollTop())
.data('scrollLeft', i_v.i_elem.scrollLeft());
.on('touchmove', function (e) {
"use strict";
//check if startThreshold is met
this.go = (Math.abs(this.pageX - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX) > i_v.i_startThreshold || Math.abs(this.pageY - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) > i_v.i_startThreshold);
.on('touchmove touchend', function (e) {
"use strict";
//check if startThreshold is met
if (this.go) {
//set animpar1 to be array
this.animPar1 = {};
//handle events
switch (e.type) {
case 'touchmove':
this.vertical = Math.abs(this.pageX - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX) < Math.abs(this.pageY - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY); //find out in which direction we are scrolling
this.distance = this.vertical ? this.pageY - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY : this.pageX - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; //determine distance between touches
this.acc = Math.abs(this.distance / (i_v.i_time.touchmove - i_v.i_time.touchstart)); //calculate acceleration during movement (crucial)
//determine which property to animate, reset animProp first for when no criteria is matched
this.animProp = null;
if (this.vertical && this.i_scrollableY) { this.animProp = 'scrollTop'; } else if (!this.vertical && this.i_scrollableX) { this.animProp = 'scrollLeft'; }
//set animation parameters
if (this.animProp) { this.animPar1[this.animProp] = + this.distance; }
this.animPar2 = { duration: 0 };
case 'touchend':
this.touchTime = i_v.i_time.touchend - i_v.i_time.touchmove; //calculate touchtime: the time between release and last movement
this.i_maxOffset = (this.vertical ? i_v.i_elemH : i_v.i_elemW) * i_v.i_speedLimit; //(re)calculate max offset
//calculate the offset (the extra pixels for the momentum effect
this.offset = Math.pow(this.acc, 2) * (this.vertical ? i_v.i_elemH : i_v.i_elemW);
this.offset = (this.offset > this.i_maxOffset) ? this.i_maxOffset : this.offset;
this.offset = (this.distance < 0) ? -i_v.multiplier * this.offset : i_v.multiplier * this.offset;
//if the touchtime is low enough, the offset is not null and the offset is above the offsetThreshold, (re)set the animation parameters to include momentum
if ((this.touchTime < i_v.i_moveThreshold) && this.offset !== 0 && Math.abs(this.offset) > (i_v.i_offsetThreshold)) {
if (this.animProp) { this.animPar1[this.animProp] = + this.distance + this.offset; }
this.animPar2 = { duration: i_v.i_duration, easing : 'hnlinertial', complete: function () {
//reset multiplier
i_v.multiplier = 1;
// run the animation on the element
if ((this.i_scrollableY || this.i_scrollableX) && this.animProp) {
i_v.i_elem.stop(true, false).animate(this.animPar1, this.animPar2);
Another observation: I also tried various combinations of e.stopPropagation() on menu div and e.preventDefault() on window/body at touchmove event, but without success, I only managed to prevent scrolling I wanted and not scrolling I did not want. I also tried to have a div over whole document, with z-index between document and menu, visible only between touchstart and touchend, but it did not receive touchmove event (because it was under menu div).