I'm trying to construct a CABasicAnimation to animate the backgroundColor property of a Core Animation CALayer, but I can't figure out how to properly wrap a CGColorRef value to pass to the animation. For example:
CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGFloat values[4] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
CGColorRef red = CGColorCreate(rgbColorspace, values);
CABasicAnimation *selectionAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"backgroundColor"];
[selectionAnimation setDuration:0.5f];
[selectionAnimation setToValue:[NSValue valueWithPointer:red]];
[layer addAnimation:selectionAnimation forKey:@"selectionAnimation"];
seems to do nothing to the backgroundColor property, I assume because handing it off as a pointer wrapped in an NSValue is not the way to pass it along.
backgroundColor is an animatable property of CALayer, so my question is: how do you set the From or To values for this particular property (preferably in a Mac / iPhone platform-independent way)?