the solution provided in the question will not work for files having large sizes. it will only work for smaller image sizes.
the better and standard approach is use chunking. grpc supports streaming a built in. so it is fairly easy to send in chunks
syntax = 'proto3'
message UploadImageRequest{
bytes image = 1;
rpc UploadImage(stream UploadImageRequest) returns (Ack);
in the above way we can use streaming for chunking.
for chunking all the languages provide its own way to chunk file based on chunk size.
Things to take care:
you need to handle the chunking logic, streaming helps in sending naturally.
if you want to send the metadata also there are three approaches.
1: use below structure
message UploadImageRequest{
AuthToken auth = 1;
FileType image_format = 2;
bytes image = 3;
rpc UploadImage(stream UploadImageRequest) returns (Ack);
here bytes is still chunks and for the first chunk send AuthToken and FileType and for all other requests just don't send those metadata.
2: you can also use oneof
which is much easier.
message UploadImageRequest{
oneof test_oneof {
Metadata meta = 2;
bytes image = 1;
message Metadata{
AuthToken auth = 1;
FileType image_format = 2;
rpc UploadImage(stream UploadImageRequest) returns (Ack);
3: just use below structure and in first chunk send metadata and other chunks will have data. you need to handle that in code.
syntax = 'proto3'
message UploadImageRequest{
bytes message = 1;
rpc UploadImage(stream UploadImageRequest) returns (Ack);
lastly for auth you can use headers instead of sending that in message.