Where can I find the document and examples of PythonMagick?
I did a search on Google but no much information was found.
Where can I find the document and examples of PythonMagick?
I did a search on Google but no much information was found.
EDIT: Nothing to see here. Refer to better answer below.
It is a bindings to the MagickWand API : http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/pythonmagickwand
So you can use all of the MagickWand API functions.
import Magick
# Use the Python Imaging Library to create a Tk display
dpy = Magick.TkDisplay(startmain=0)
# Read the image
img = Magick.read('test.gif')
# Display the image
I could not find them anywhere either but this is how I went about using it anyway.
import PythonMagick
image = PythonMagick.Image("sample_image.jpg")
print image.fileName()
print image.magick()
print image.size().width()
print image.size().height()
With output like this
To find out what image methods are available for example I looked in the cpp source. Taking the Image object binding: Image implemented in _Image.cpp Or better still look at the suggestion for getting the methods contained in another answer by Klaus on this page.
In this file you'll see lines like this
.def("contrast", &Magick::Image::contrast)
.def("convolve", &Magick::Image::convolve)
.def("crop", &Magick::Image::crop)
.def("cycleColormap", &Magick::Image::cycleColormap)
.def("despeckle", &Magick::Image::despeckle)
The bit in quotes maps to the function name of the Image object. Following this approach you can figure out enough to be useful. For example Geometry specific methods are in _Geometry.cpp and the include the usual suspects like
.def("width", (size_t (Magick::Geometry::*)() const)&Magick::Geometry::width)
.def("height", (void (Magick::Geometry::*)(size_t) )&Magick::Geometry::height)
.def("height", (size_t (Magick::Geometry::*)() const)&Magick::Geometry::height)
.def("xOff", (void (Magick::Geometry::*)(ssize_t) )&Magick::Geometry::xOff)
.def("xOff", (ssize_t (Magick::Geometry::*)() const)&Magick::Geometry::xOff)
To find out the methods type in Python:
import PythonMagick
Then you get an output like this:
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__instance_size__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'adaptiveThreshold', 'addNoise', 'adjoin', 'affineTransform', 'animationDelay', 'animationIterations', 'annotate', 'antiAlias', 'attribute', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundTexture', 'baseColumns', 'baseFilename', 'baseRows', 'blur', 'border', 'borderColor', 'boundingBox', 'boxColor', 'cacheThreshold', 'channel', 'channelDepth', 'charcoal', 'chop', 'chromaBluePrimary', 'chromaGreenPrimary', 'chromaRedPrimary', 'chromaWhitePoint', 'classType', 'clipMask', 'colorFuzz', 'colorMap', 'colorMapSize', 'colorSpace', 'colorize', 'columns', 'comment', 'compare', 'compose', 'composite', 'compressType', 'contrast', 'convolve', 'crop', 'cycleColormap', 'debug', 'defineSet', 'defineValue', 'density', 'depth', 'despeckle', 'directory', 'display', 'draw', 'edge', 'emboss', 'endian', 'enhance', 'equalize', 'erase', 'fileName', 'fileSize', 'fillColor', 'fillPattern', 'fillRule', 'filterType', 'flip', 'floodFillColor', 'floodFillOpacity', 'floodFillTexture', 'flop', 'font', 'fontPointsize', 'fontTypeMetrics', 'format', 'frame', 'gamma', 'gaussianBlur', 'geometry', 'gifDisposeMethod', 'iccColorProfile', 'implode', 'interlaceType', 'iptcProfile', 'isValid', 'label', 'lineWidth', 'magick', 'magnify', 'map', 'matte', 'matteColor', 'matteFloodfill', 'meanErrorPerPixel', 'medianFilter', 'minify', 'modifyImage', 'modulate', 'modulusDepth', 'monochrome', 'montageGeometry', 'negate', 'normalize', 'normalizedMaxError', 'normalizedMeanError', 'oilPaint', 'opacity', 'opaque', 'page', 'penColor', 'penTexture', 'ping', 'pixelColor', 'process', 'profile', 'quality', 'quantize', 'quantizeColorSpace', 'quantizeColors', 'quantizeDither', 'quantizeTreeDepth', 'raise', 'read', 'readPixels', 'reduceNoise', 'registerId', 'renderingIntent', 'resolutionUnits', 'roll', 'rotate', 'rows', 'sample', 'scale', 'scene', 'segment', 'shade', 'sharpen', 'shave', 'shear', 'signature', 'size', 'solarize', 'spread', 'statistics', 'stegano', 'stereo', 'strokeAntiAlias', 'strokeColor', 'strokeDashOffset', 'strokeLineCap', 'strokeLineJoin', 'strokeMiterLimit', 'strokePattern', 'strokeWidth', 'subImage', 'subRange', 'swirl', 'syncPixels', 'textEncoding', 'texture', 'threshold', 'throwImageException', 'tileName', 'totalColors', 'transform', 'transformOrigin', 'transformReset', 'transformRotation', 'transformScale', 'transformSkewX', 'transformSkewY', 'transparent', 'trim', 'type', 'unregisterId', 'unsharpmask', 'verbose', 'view', 'wave', 'write', 'writePixels', 'x11Display', 'xResolution', 'yResolution', 'zoom']
From what I can tell, PythonMagick wrapps the Magick++ library. I have been able to copy and paste C++ code using this library into python and it works as expected. Plus the names of the classes and member functions match (where as MagickWand seems to be totally different).
import PythonMagick as Magick
img = Magick.Image("testIn.jpg")
img.quality(100) #full compression
For anyone who is still trying to find the documentation of PythonMagick, PythonMagick is exactly the same as Magick++ (API for C++). here is the Magick++ documentation. For some specific parameter, you will need to find the type then the enumeration (e.g. gravity->PythonMagick.GravityType.thegravityyouwant)
PythonMagick isn't exactly the same as Magick++, it maps to a subset of Magick++. So if you start trying to use it based on the C++ documentation, you'll eventually run into something that isn't mapped. After wasting a lot of time (in my 30 years as a developer) with inadequately-documented libraries, I've developed a rule: If it isn't properly documented, don't use it.
I eventually did what I needed to do using python3-PIL. It's a pity, because ImageMagick is really nice to use from C++. But I recommend my rule. In the long run, it will save you a lot of time.
EDIT: Nothing to see here. Refer to better answer below.
It is a bindings to the MagickWand API : http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/pythonmagickwand
So you can use all of the MagickWand API functions.
import Magick
# Use the Python Imaging Library to create a Tk display
dpy = Magick.TkDisplay(startmain=0)
# Read the image
img = Magick.read('test.gif')
# Display the image
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