I have a bean that has a lot of fields annotated with JSR-303 validation annotations. There is a new requirement now that one of the fields is mandatory, but only in certain conditions.
I looked around and have found what I needed, validation groups.
This is what I have now:
public interface ValidatedOnCreationOnly {
@NotNull(groups = ValidatedOnCreationOnly.class)
private String employerId;
@Length(max = 255)
private String firstName;
@Length(max = 255)
private String lastName;
However, when I run this validation in a unit test:
public void testEmployerIdCanOnlyBeSetWhenCreating() {
EmployeeDTO dto = new EmployeeDTO();
ValidatorFactory vf = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Set<ConstraintViolation<EmployeeDTO>> violations = vf.getValidator().validate(dto, EmployeeDTO.ValidatedOnCreationOnly.class);
assertEquals(violations.size(), 3);
It turns out that all of the non-group annotated validations are ignored and I get only 1 violation.
I can understand this behaviour but I would like to know if there is a way I can make the group include all non-annotated parameters as well. If not I'd have to do something like this:
public interface AlwaysValidated {
public interface ValidatedOnCreationOnly extends AlwaysValidated {
@NotNull(groups = ValidatedOnCreationOnly.class)
private String employerId;
@Length(max = 255, groups = AlwaysValidated.class)
@NotNull(groups = AlwaysValidated.class)
private String firstName;
@Length(max = 255, groups = AlwaysValidated.class)
@NotNull(groups = AlwaysValidated.class)
private String lastName;
The real class I'm working with has a lot more fields (about 20), so this method turns what was a clear way of indicating the validations into a big mess.
Can anyone tell me if there is a better way? Maybe something like:
vf.getValidator().validate(dto, EmployeeDTO.ValidatedOnCreationOnly.class, NonGroupSpecific.class);
I'm using this in a spring project so if spring has another way I'll be glad to know.