I am trying to convert a new column in a dataframe through a function based on the values in the date column, but get an error indicating "Timestamp object has no attribute dt." However, if I run this outside of a function, the dt attribute works fine.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
This code runs with no issues:
sample = {'Date': ['2015-07-02 11:47:00', '2015-08-02 11:30:00']}
dftest = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sample)
dftest['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(dftest['Date'])
dftest['year'] = dftest['Date'].dt.year
dftest['month'] = dftest['Date'].dt.month
This code gives me the error message:
sample = {'Date': ['2015-07-02 11:47:00', '2015-08-02 11:30:00']}
dftest = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sample)
dftest['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(dftest['Date'])
def CALLYMD(dftest):
if dftest['Date'].dt.month>9:
return str(dftest['Date'].dt.year) + '1231'
elif dftest['Date'].dt.month>6:
return str(dftest['Date'].dt.year) + '0930'
elif dftest['Date'].dt.month>3:
return str(dftest['Date'].dt.year) + '0630'
return str(dftest['Date'].dt.year) + '0331'
dftest['CALLYMD'] = dftest.apply(CALLYMD, axis=1)
Lastly, I'm open to any suggestions on how to make this code better as I'm still learning.