I want to parse a JSON to object, but I have no idea how to cast AnyObject to String or Int since I'm getting:
0x106bf1d07: leaq 0x33130(%rip), %rax ; "Swift dynamic cast failure"
When using for example:
self.id = reminderJSON["id"] as Int
I have ResponseParser class and inside of it (responseReminders is an Array of AnyObjects, from AFNetworking responseObject):
for reminder in responseReminders {
let newReminder = Reminder(reminderJSON: reminder)
Then in Reminder class I'm initialising it like this (reminder as AnyObject, but is Dictionary(String, AnyObject)):
var id: Int
var receiver: String
init(reminderJSON: AnyObject) {
self.id = reminderJSON["id"] as Int
self.receiver = reminderJSON["send_reminder_to"] as String
result is: Optional(3065522)
How can I downcast AnyObject to String or Int in case like this?
After some tries I come with this solution:
if let id: AnyObject = reminderJSON["id"] {
self.id = Int(id as NSNumber)
for Int and
if let tempReceiver: AnyObject = reminderJSON["send_reminder_to"] {
self.id = "\(tempReceiver)"
for string
reminderJSON["id"] as Int?
– Beringas
since Swift 1.2. – Surcease