I'm trying to use CouchDB for a new app, and I need to create a view that sorts by multiple fields and also filters by multiple fields. Here is an example document, I've left out the _id and _rev to save myself some typing.
"title": "My Document",
"date": 1279816057,
"ranking": 5,
"category": "fun",
"tags": [
From the documentation, I've learned that I can easily create a view that sorts by a field such as ranking.
function(doc) {
emit(doc.ranking, doc);
I've also learned that I can easily filter by fields such as category
function(doc) {
emit(doc.category, doc);
My problem is that I need to do a bunch of these things all at the same time. I want to filter based on category and also tag. I should be able to filter down to only documents with category of "fun" and tag of "couchdb". I want to sort those filtered results by ranking in descending order, then by date in ascending order, then by title in alphabetical order.
How can I create one view that does all of that sorting and filtering combined?